rose anemone ft/fs bay area (not sure if its ok to sell on here please advise)

Hi yes I am selling, but I think most if not all that I had was sold to newbieSaltTank;) . Hmm what can I frag, well I have a whole rock of turquoise furry mushrooms for $18, or say $3 a shroom, I may have red sea xenia left, $5 a stalk, also maybe zoos, $10 a frag for 20-25 polyps or so, I have various colors, most likely it will be orange what I have that I can frag, also some green tentacle/orange center zoos. Hmm, dunno what else, I guess thats it for whats available right now. BTW I'll bump a post since this site won't let me link since its frames I guess.


Active Member
im actually helping my friends shop around, are those acros in the back? i wanted some zoo's but not the orange ones. I dont see anything that i want. I can get mushrooms for 15 dollars a rock also polyps too at the lfs 25 dollars for acros too. if you lower the price i might conisder it, but for sure i dont think my friends would buy it since we can get some pretty cheap. I dont mean to waste your time but i just wanted to know what you might have that the LFS might not have or might be more cheaper then the LFS. I'll show my friend the picture
You know a place in SF that sells mushroom rocks for $15 and acros for $25???? where is that? LOL I have only seen mushroom rocks for $25 at the cheapest and acros...oh my gosh, they are like going for $35 although my tank can't support it.
How's that new tank going for you? You letting it cycle at this point?
well acros, purple tortuosa, turqouise/blue tip formosa stag, solomon island green/lavender tip acro, green polyp purple digitata, orange polyp green body digitata, neon sinularia, etc.