rose anemone loosing color


New Member
i have a 24g nano tank i have had the rose anemone since December anknd it has shrunk in size and the color is fading it is now almost completely white with pink tips, it hosts a clarkii clown fish I feed it silver sides every week and i just switched out the lighting 2 weeks ago. is the anemone ok? or any tips on bringing its color back?


No it is not ok, it is bleaching. Something is stressing it, either the conditions in your tank are unfavorable or your lighting is inadequate. What kind of lighting do you have and how many watts? What are your paramatrers?


If your rose is white, it's bleached. Probably in a week or two the pink tips will be white also. Once a anemone bleaches, it's hard to get it healthy again. I'm not saying it can't be done but you'll need very stable and pristine water conditions, the correct lighting and variety of foods soaked in a vitamin like selcon or zoe fed twice a week . Any foods fed should be chopped up small and squirted onto it's tentacles with a turkey baster. The smaller the pieces the better as the anemone uses a lot of energy to digest the food so it will be less stress with smaller bits of food. As long as the tentacles are sticky it has a chance to survive. I know it sounds like a pain in the butt but these are very fragile animals to begin with and a unhealthy or stressed one is twice as fragile. Marine cuisine or if your lfs has Rods frozen food, these would be a good choice to feed or you can visit your local seafood market and get a couple each- raw shrimp- clams- scallops-squid- or any non oily fish and make your own food. What ever you do just be sure it is chopped up small.
If you can post the kind of lights you have- how long the tank has been set up and your water parameters(temp-ph-ammo-sg etc). One last thing, if your clown is too rough with the anemone it can also stress it out, a thing called loving it to death.
Well I hope this helps a little and like always this is only my opinion and i'm sure others will add their .02 Good luck


New Member
I have 36 watt combo campact fluorescent bulbs i just switched them out a few weeks ago, it says 10,000k/blue daylight and blue actinic bulb


New Member
i might just be lucky or something i dont know but i can tell u dont lose hope. i had to evacuate for hurricane gustav and ike this past september and i wasnt leaving my tank behind as we live in a flood zone and behold we did flood. anyway i have a 75gal tank and at the time i had a few fish and corals and one anemone. well i reset up the tank at my uncles house a few miles away and wasnt there to tend to it for a month then another 3 months before i was able to take it back to my house. well when i brought it there the anemone refused to attach to anything and floated arond for a good while before settling about the time i had to bring it back home so once again it was disrupted. by that time it was fully bleached and shrunk down to about quarter size. i wrote it off as dead then one day i noticed a couple tenticles pokin out from under a rock in the back of my tank. still bleached at the time i put it back on the live list lol. i started feeding oyster feast about 2 to 3 times a week. not spot feeding or anything just straight in the water. intentionally for my new clam but i guess the anemone liked it cuz after about 2 months its healthy and bigger than ever! the clowns dont host it tho i dont know y. but now it eats brine with the rest of the tank. pic taken today.


Originally Posted by BeachBum1614
I have 36 watt combo campact fluorescent bulbs i just switched them out a few weeks ago, it says 10,000k/blue daylight and blue actinic bulb
how many total? whats the total wattage on the system?