Rose Anenome in Aggresive.



Hi, as some of you might now Im converteing my reef to a aggresive due to the fact im moving to a new house, and becuase Ive always wanted an aggresive setup. Well There is one coral that i want to keep and want to know what its compatibility is with a trigger or other aggresive fish. Oh and no im not going to have a lion fish so thats out of the question.


The problem with corals and anemones in aggressive set ups is water quality. It rarely has anything to do with fish disturbing the corals or vice versa. It's more the fact that aggressive setups tend to be "dirtier" and therefore not as healthy for corals and especially anemones.


I have a condy in with my tessa eel, zebra eel, reticulated eel, volitan, undulated, horseshoe, and cleaner shrimp...........they dont bother it it does not bother them