rose anenomes


just wanting to hear some feedback from people who have had these or curently still do have any of these anenomes. how hard are they to take care of considering the price of these? one thing that confuses me on these though are that on some pictures i see of them they are in the full 'bubble' form and the other pictures i have seen of them they look like they are long tentacle anenomes. its just confusing to me, but hey i probably just an idiot.


I've had mine for over a year. I was curious also about the bubble tips and I came to the conclusion that it was mostly due to light. (IMO, only an observation. It has also been suggested that water quality has an effect, which makes sense.) I have mine under MH and they have no bubble tips. I recently aquired two other anemones that had bubble tips that had been under PC's. Now after 4 months they have no bubbles. Mine split 3 times in the past year. Right now I have 3 roses, two smaller anemones and a larger long tentacle in my tank and that is too many. They take up a lot of room when they get large. I am very careful not to put them near other corals. I have a pair of maroon clowns that take very good care of them. I also will feed them silver sides once or twice a month. I would say that most people that see the tank for the first time are very interested in the clowns and anemones. For me they have not been difficult at all. Good Luck!


tell me about my lighting and if it is okay for the anenome
my setup
54 gallon custom acrylic corner
5 power compacts
2 half n half
2 actinic
1 full daylight
excaliber protien skimmer
bio balls filtration underneath
maxi jet 600 power head
70lbs live rock
80 lbs live sand


im pretty sure 55watts, i just looked up under the hood and thought i was in the twighlight zone, i didn't turn them off so all i see now is stars.


i want to add some corals to this setup mainly brains, a bubble, frogspawn, or torch coral, some polyps, and mainly mushrooms around the tank. should i get rid of some the power compacts and get a halide along with them or switch to different power compact bulb setup?