Rose Aneome and clowns


300 bones for one:eek: does it do backflips or something? I could walk out of the pet store with alot of corals for $300.


Active Member
300 bucks????what the F^&K I can get them for 100 out here, If somebodey wants to pay me 250 I'll mail you one, or hand deliver it:D

sunken ship

Yes it is safe to have clowns with a rose anenome. I was just at my LFS and they have a huge RA with a clown hosting in it. That RA that they have is going for the $400 range. Crazy, huh?


I don't care what people pay for them.. But thanks for answering my questions on if they are Clown safe.. I have been wanteing to get an anenome for the clowns a long time now and I think they look even more beautiful when clowns are taking residence in them.. THanks Mj