First of all its always better to find one that is aquacultured, that is tank raised. Any anemone should be first temp acclimated in the bag and then drip acclimated for at least an hour before releasing it into the tank. From there I always say that there is about a two week acclimation to your tank while it is new in your new enviroment. Then there is the acclimation to your lighting depending on what that is.
These are photosynthetic animals and they simply must have good lighting for them to survive. So plan on getting the best lighting you can afford for them. These choices would include PC, VHO, MH or combo of PC/MH orVHO/MH. In a 29 gallon tank you should be looking at something in the 5 watts per gallon range or 145 watts over a 29 gallon tank. Some might also say 4 watts per gallon or 116 watts over a 29 gallon tank, this is an absolute minumum for a Bubble tip anemone. Its always better to get the better lighting. Even the best lighting does not guarentee success.
Remember your water quality, always keep it as good as you can.
If you need sites we can't list them for you, just do a google search.