rose hardier than green??


my lfs told me rose bubble tips are hardier than green bubble tips is th is true or was he trying to scam me?
rose 120$
greeen 50$
my rose didnt make it anyways so..

I have heard that statement more than once. They are the same species, just a different color morph. So it just doesn't add up to me.


I have been keeping rose btas for years. I have tried green btas twice, can't seem to keep them. I know many keep them without problems, maybe I just got anemones that were not all that healthy to start with. Sorry for your loss. If you can't put your finger on why it died (have you preformed tests) than I'd wait a little while and try again. Sometimes for no aparent reason you loose them, could be from a number of causes, could be it was damaged before you go ahold of it.