Rose Tip Anenome Costs?


Active Member
I see them start at about the $60 range and go up from there locally. Always kind of pricy. The larger can go for close to $100 and then some.


$25.00 is pretty unheard of though I see them range from $60-80 for medium and up to $200.00 for large ones. $200.00 is a bit high in my opion, but I've seen them for that. $60-100 for a good sized one with good color is pretty fair. Also prices vary by location as well.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
around here anywhere from 75-125 depending ojn size/color intensity


Active Member
By Rose tip anemone I am assuming your talking about a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone? I only ask because some anemones have just colored tips, like purple and pinks. Most RBTA's have the red color throught their tenticles not just the tips.
I scored mine at my LFS, I dont know how but I paid $30.00 for it. To date in my area I have seen 2 LFS sell these. One place charged $109.99 for one that had about a 2" oral disk. The other place was selling them for 199.00 for one slightly larger
IMO Thats pretty expensive. I would think in the $80 to $100 area is pretty common.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
By Rose tip anemone I am assuming your talking about a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone? I only ask because some anemones have just colored tips, like purple and pinks. Most RBTA's have the red color throught their tenticles not just the tips.
I scored mine at my LFS, I dont know how but I paid $30.00 for it. To date in my area I have seen 2 LFS sell these. One place charged $109.99 for one that had about a 2" oral disk. The other place was selling them for 199.00 for one slightly larger
IMO Thats pretty expensive. I would think in the $80 to $100 area is pretty common.
Man, that is expensive! Especially since they split so much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grumpygils
Man, that is expensive! Especially since they split so much.
In actuallity they shouldnt... an anemone will split when it is stressed, and what it may look at as a last stand, it will split to ensure survival.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
In actuallity they shouldnt... an anemone will split when it is stressed, and what it may look at as a last stand, it will split to ensure survival.

Makes sense.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
In actuallity they shouldnt... an anemone will split when it is stressed, and what it may look at as a last stand, it will split to ensure survival.
although true, its not the only reason why they split.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
although true, its not the only reason why they split.

Nope.. your right but in the context given "split so much" it was appropriate. Its common that anywhere from a year to 2 years an anemone will split just as any animal will mate and reproduce. Or spawn as they can multiply sexually or asexually. But I have heard of some anemones going as long as 3 years without splitting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mscarpena
Mine BTA split anywhere from 6-12. Some time split in half or split into 3.

That would concern me.