royal/false gramma suggestions please!


there are 3 fish that i really enjoy, but have read they can be nightmares in a tank...i would like to hear some real world experience on behavior with other fish...thanks
1. False Gramma
2. Royal Gramma
3. Strawberry fish? (Pseudochromis Porphyreus)
which do you think is the most peaceful?
my sig conatins what i have and also plan on adding a regal then a yellow tang sometime down the road.


Active Member
I have had a royal gramma for over a year now. It has been a great community fish. They tend to hide some though and if mine isn't hovering around it's territory it's darting in and out of rockwork or poking it's head out of a hole. Mine is almost always out hovering around though. The only aggression it has ever done is if another fish gets in it's area it will face off with it and open it's mouth real wide and stand it's ground. That's it. My sixline wrasse thinks it's a game, so goes up to it, they face off then start a game of tag til one gets tired of it. Fun to watch as they've been doing this for about 6 months and no harm done. HTH


Active Member
My royal gramma acts like Debs. Hovers around it's spot and tends to leave everyone alone. But, won't be intimidated. Great fish. No experience with the others, sorry.


I dont have any experience but heard loads of things (real experiences), i heard royal grammas are really peaceful, royal dottyback is extreemly agressive and strawbery dottyback is avarage, i mean not as peaceful as a royal gramma but not as agressive as a dottyback


I think jumpfrog hit the nail on the head with behaviour...won't bully anyone but will stand its ground. I recently added one and, even though the lights were off, my cherub angel was giving it loads of sh*t. The royal gramma stood its ground and by the next day, they didn't even look at each other. Now if the angel comes too near the gramma's hole, the mouth is wide open but no fighting goes on.
The royal gramma rocks as far as I can's peaceful yet hardy, strikingly beautiful, always out and about, will accept all kinds of food and, apparently, won't completely fade like dottybacks do. I'd definitely recommend one :)