Royal Gramma Galor


I recently bought a Royal Gramma for it's splended colors (or i was forced to buy it). But it seems a great addition, Doesn't require to much room, sense it hids in caves. My LFS said they don't require special diet (Great selection,bad advise) but it won't eat. What does it eat.
I'v spent time online but all they offer is it's location, and jibberish on it
Its also at war with my Flame Angel, any ideas?


Active Member
Pods, prolly feeding at night. They are aggressive at times.
They may take to flake or any other prepared food, give it some time.



Originally posted by RussianSpy
I recently bought a Royal Gramma for it's splended colors (or i was forced to buy it). But it seems a great addition, Doesn't require to much room, sense it hids in caves. My LFS said they don't require special diet (Great selection,bad advise) but it won't eat. What does it eat.
I'v spent time online but all they offer is it's location, and jibberish on it
Its also at war with my Flame Angel, any ideas?

mine eats marine cuisine frozen food...he is a great little fish..swims all over the tank andgets along with all the fish...and I have a flame angel. So far I have been lucky when adding new fish...they all get along really well.


Active Member
Mine ate pellet formula one type food the first day I got her. Now she loves the homemade concoction I feed them. I don't beleive she eats pods.


Mine used to only eat frozen meaty foods, but he has learned to eat Formula One flakes since I no longer feed frozen every day.


Active Member
will a royal gramma compete with a mandarin for food?
Yes, I believe so. But, if your system is large enough, it shouldn't be a problem. If your gramma is eating other prepared foods thats even better. Either way, they DO eat pods.