royal gramma missing?


I put her in a week ago, and haven't seen her in 4 days. She had a puffy eye, and suddenly she is gone. do you think she died? I only have a watchman goby and a long spine urchan. I have 1 cbs and 3 peppermint, so would they take care of her is she passed?


Active Member
the cbs would most likeley eat her up if she did in fact die. Why did you put her in the tank if she had a puffy eye? i dont know if popeye can kill fish, im not a disease expert. But that could be the ause of your gramma missing. HTH


I got her from and she looked ok, then the next day i noticed the eye. Then missing 2 days later. Last time i ever buy fish from here!
i added one a couple weeks back and it took it almost 2 week before it started comig out. check all the holes in the lr i couldnt find mine for a few days it was hidden a n a dark hole
good luck