royal gramma not acclimating well?


I got my shipment about 20 minutes ago. When I pulled the bag up outta the box with the royal gramma in was swimming upright..when it saw me, it flipped over upside down. I got my things together and got him in the bucket..been drip acclimating for about 15 minutes now and its still laying on its side on the bottom of the bucket. It is still breathing. None of my other fish have played dead like that before. is this something this fish may do? because it did look fine in the bag..AT first!


Active Member
I would just do a proper acclimation and see what happens. He may just be disoriented and stressed but providing that it is healthy and that it was shipped and acclimated properly it should be fine.


Update.. its been almost an hour..there is a red slimey spot in the bucket..and fish appears to not be breathing now. I think its looks kind of ... well, it looks dead! *sad*
It was the only fish I got today
I got a 50-100 gallon clean up crew to beef my crew back up..and a multirock. I dont think that fish is alive now.
Ill go ahead and finish the acclimation...but I think its a lost cause. Upon closer inspection, it apprears the red slime came from its gills. Still has this slime hanging from its gills now.


Yeah..its dead.
Thats too bad..I musta scared it to death when it saw me this morning. Poor thing prolly hadda heart attack