Royal Gramma question


i must be the lucky one mine is out almost all the time only hides when i do water changesand when the lights go out!

salty blues

Active Member
Just got a RG today. Dripped him and put him in the QT. He's hunkered down in a corner of the tank. Not moving much, but he did eat some when I fed him. I hope he'll be ok, it is a really pretty fish.

salty blues

Active Member
RG update... My royal gramma looks better today. He moved from the tank corner to a pvc cave in the center of QT and appears to have eaten all the food I gave him last night. Looking forward to putting him in my DT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
RG update... My royal gramma looks better today. He moved from the tank corner to a pvc cave in the center of QT and appears to have eaten all the food I gave him last night. Looking forward to putting him in my DT.
RG's are great fish...they eat anything that you put in the tank and are very answer the origional RG is always out in the open...he loves to swim around in the tank and he eats like a pig...

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
RG's are great fish...they eat anything that you put in the tank and are very answer the origional RG is always out in the open...he loves to swim around in the tank and he eats like a pig...
Great, I hope mine will not be too shy. It is such a cool looking fish & deserves to be seen.


Originally Posted by salty blues
Does anyone have a Royal Gramma & does it tend to hide in the LR?
yes i have one and at frist he wouldnt come out give him some time if you just got him


Originally Posted by dinki
Mine stayed completely hidden for the first few days and then he slowly started coming out more and more. I'd say he spends about 70% in plain sight and 30% in the rock. He usually will pop out every couple of minutes though. A really beautiful fish plus he gets along well with my two clowns.
thats funny becuase my RG is the ONLY fish my gold stripe maroons lets come around their anemone when they are laing..but the RG dose eat the eggs


I just found my RG on my rug, I have no idea how it jumped out, top is completely covered with egg crate . It was my best fish


Very sorry to hear that. I love my RG and its always darting in and out of the rocks for one reason or another.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by chub
I just found my RG on my rug, I have no idea how it jumped out, top is completely covered with egg crate . It was my best fish