Royal Gramma....


I've had this royal gramma for a while now and all water parameters are fine. He isn't dead but just laying around. I found him laying on the ground when i went to feed the fish tonight. What should i do? Again all water parameters are fine, it's too late to do a water change. What could be wronge with him, there is no visible things that are wronge


Can you post your exact parameters? I have a royal gramma and he's never done anything like that. Have you added any new fish lately? Is he the only one acting strange? :notsure: Hopefully he'll recover. I lost a fish on Friday and it's the pits.


well i think it's stress related, not the parameters of the water, I was just taking out the crushed coral, could that have been anything


bad news: the rust angel died today
i'm so angry. I lowered the saltinity yesterday. I came home from school today and my star fish was on top of the rusty angel, all i could see was the head of the angel sticking out. I think the cc star is eating the angel. Now i'm worried about the star, he has these white dots all over his body, i don't think stars get ich...


Active Member
You say you were removing your crushed coral. Did you check your ammonia levels? Stirring up your sand bed can cause a HUGE spike.


Active Member
Why were you lowering your salinity? How far did you lower it? How did you do it? This could be a major problem right there.
How old is your tank?
I know it may not seem so, but it is REALLY important to know the SPECIFIC water quality parameters especially ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alkalinity, pH and specific gravity. It is really hard to help without knowing these. We may spot something that didn't seem to be an issue.