Royal Gramma


I use to feel that way also about teaching but right now I just needed a good break.
I'll try and figure out how to take a picture and post it - its a skilter 400. Ever heard of it? I don't have any gunk or foam yet - this tank has only been up and running for a month now - we switched our 20 gallon over to it a month ago. We didn't have the protein skimmer on that one.
The directions said to medicate the whole tank for 2 weeks. But it said this product MUST be used in conjunction with a protein skimmer. So I hope its working?????


I've never heard of a Skilter 400. Our protein skimmer was working in about 2 days. I have at least a cup of gunk I have to dump every week. Our tank is a little over two months old and the skimmer is new---it's only been up and running about 3 weeks or so. I wouldn't use that medicine until you know for sure your skimmer is working. Please try and post a picture if you can. If not, do you have any friends who know anything about this hobby that could help you? We thought our old skimmer was working until a neighbor came over and told us it wasn't!!


I don't think that I can post a picture - Crap - I already added the medicine!! Is my skimmer suppose to be putting alot of bubbles back in the aquarium? I think I'm going to go back to my LFS tomorrow and see if they'll take this one back and exchange it. Do you think they will after a month?


Wow! I've never seen a skimmer like that before! Not that I'm an expert or anything, but I've never seen one of those. I don't know if your lfs will take it back or not. How much did you pay for it? The link you posted says it costs $47.99. The first skimmer I had was cheap, cheap, cheap. It did absolutely nothing. We got our second skimmer (which is like a $350 skimmer) and the difference is unbelievable. Do you have a 1-800 # you could call to see if it's working or not?!


Hey Dory36 - went to my LFS today and he said if I still had the box he would exchange it if I wanted to - paid 89.00 for it at the LFS!!!! The thing is - its a good filter so - do I want to return it and just get another filter then eventually add a protein skimmer? Or just keep it and add a protein skimmer eventually? We are not going to do coral reefs so I've read that there's really not a rush to add a protein skimmer if you don't have coral or a big load of fish. What do you think? We want to do anenomes and fish. This is so crazy and EXPENSIVE!!! My royal gramma is still alive and he's still flashing on the sand and rocks but he is eating and I am medicating the tank so hopefully he'll hang in there. :yes: By the way I didn't pick out that filter - I pretty much let them tell me what to go with!!!!!! Do you know anything about Lunar Aqualights by Coralife? Thats what we're looking at for our tank for the anenomes. ?????????


You know, I've always run a skimmer, but I know people who don't. I guess the choice is up to you. Do you think you might exchange it for a better one? I've always heard never to go cheap on the skimmer or the lights. We did on both and we're having to replace both!
The skimmer we have is awesome. We watch it almost as much as we do the fish in the tank! It's amazing to see that thing work.
I know a lot of people like Coralife. We're thinking about getting a metal hallide set that they make. Our lfs suggested a lot of our equipment and then we went on ---- and bought it for a fraction of the cost!
Yes, this hobby is very expensive! And upsetting! My new wrasse appears to have ich and my new bi-color blenny is missing!

Hey, do you want to exchange email addresses so we don't bore anyone with our chatting?! :D


Hey - I would love to - do I just post it on here or do we post in somewhere like a private message? I have aol and aol IM.