royal gramma


i bought a royal gramma the other day and it looks like he has brooklenya or something. i ahve these dead real corals that are sharp mabe he got hit there?? please help!! i have a 44 gal tank a clown and a yellow tailed damsel


Active Member
Welcome to the boards.
The gramma looks like he has been damaged? If the clown and damsel have been in the tank it's possible they chased him into a sharp rock or pounded him. Not a lot you can do.
Is this a newly setup tank? If so, how long and did your tank go though the ammonia cycle? What are your water parameters?


they dont chase him in the first 2 min of adding him they chased him thats all. i am also fighting a breakout of red slime algae


Active Member
Sorry, not a lot to work with here....
QT tanks are the way to go. That way your fish gets a chance to recover from capture and get acclimated to captivity.


New Member
I had a Royal Gramma, and he died like about a week after I bought it. I think that mine died of stress or something like that, because my Yellow Tang will always chase him when he got out of his hidding place. Then my cleanup crew ate him up, thats probably why yous looks like something bit him. Maybe your fish were chasing when you were not there or at night.