Royal Gramma


Active Member
Im trying to get the last fish for my 29 down on paper so its all planed out. I know Royal's are reef safe. Arnt they aggresive though? Thanks


Active Member
Ok. Thanks I always thought that they were somewhat aggressive. It must be another fish like a pshedocromis or something IDK. Alright thanks you so much.


Active Member
gramma's get territorial if they are added before other fish, if i am correct.
i have no problems with mine.
Agreed! I have one and there are more problems with it not showing it's face than being aggressive. Maybe a bit teritorial, but not aggressive. Just not more than one Blasslet to a tank (unless it is a REALLY big tank).


I'd suggest you add it as your very last fish and you should have no problem. as with damsels if they're added first they tend to get in the "the entire tank is mine" mentality. My gramma i added last to my 37 and he/she and the clowns argued a bit at first, but has since found a spot in the tank and now even swims side by side with the clowns.