Royal Grammar Behaviour


Active Member
Thanx for the info.
I must admit, I'm sick of watching it "scratch". It can be doing it furiously and it doesn't make relaxing viewing. I just cycled a QT and I'm going to put it in there for a while and try a few things.
I have a 42G and so I can't have too many fish in there. I'm beginning to ask why bother with a fish that hides most of the time. My 2 percs are always on the go and are good to watch.


I'm glad to share my experiences with you and hope it will help.
I think you've made the right decision to put the gramma in Q.
Now..........if we are to assume the gramma does have ich, that means that you have ich in your main tank. I'd suggest you add your 2 clowns to the Q tank as well and begin hyposalinity treatment immediately. (A search on hypo here.....or a post on the Disease and Treatment Forum will get you lots of info on hypo!)
The ONLY thing that will eradicate ich from your tank(short of copper treatment which will contaminate your tank) is to remove all the possible hosts for it. That means you need to remove all your fish and keep them out of the tank for 4 to 6 weeks.
If you don't do this, and just treat the gramma, when you put it back in the main tank, the ich will more than likely just find the gramma and infect it all over again.
I know that looking forward to a fishless tank for 6 weeks isn't pleasant.....but it's the only way I know to insure you actually rid your tank of ich.


I'm glad to share my experiences with you and hope it will help.
I think you've made the right decision to put the gramma in Q.
Now..........if we are to assume the gramma does have ich, that means that you have ich in your main tank. I'd suggest you add your 2 clowns to the Q tank as well and begin hyposalinity treatment immediately. (A search on hypo here.....or a post on the Disease and Treatment Forum will get you lots of info on hypo!)
The ONLY thing that will eradicate ich from your tank(short of copper treatment which will contaminate your tank) is to remove all the possible hosts for it. That means you need to remove all your fish and keep them out of the tank for 4 to 6 weeks.
If you don't do this, and just treat the gramma, when you put it back in the main tank, the ich will more than likely just find the gramma and infect it all over again.
I know that looking forward to a fishless tank for 6 weeks isn't pleasant.....but it's the only way I know to insure you actually rid your tank of ich.


Active Member
So Tim,
Are you going to translate your earlier post into American, or do we just have to guess.


Active Member
Most people say a refractometer required for safe hyposalinity - ££££££s and out of the question.
I'm sure it hasn't got ich to be honest. Why it scratches is a mystery - been over 4 months now.
Another twist on this - My QT has been nothing but a pain in the arse. Everything that has gone in it has died. Last time it showed traces of ammonia (small, but there). I have changed filter and started again- just cycled.


I'm with you on the cost of a refractometer!!
Good luck with everything! It's been nice communicating with you "over the pond".