Rtspeed's biocube


Well that might happen sooner then i though because of a pain in the a-- mantis that i found in this tank.


Be careful,
DKFLOYD is a bad risk, So be careful selling to her, she lost me money in a sale on this site, i notified a mod, on this site, BuT, they cant do anything , SO just be WARNED dkfloyd, is a risk!
thanks for listening DENNIS


Originally Posted by dmcrete
Be careful,
DKFLOYD is a bad risk, So be careful selling to her, she lost me money in a sale on this site, i notified a mod, on this site, BuT, they cant do anything , SO just be WARNED dkfloyd, is a risk!
thanks for listening DENNIS
Thanks very much for that, advice taken,
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper

Very nice tank!!!! What kind of scallop is that and where did u get it and what do u feed it?
As for the scallop its a Variegated Scallop (Chlamys varie ) i spot feed him with a mix of selcon,brine, mysis, and phyto and a little formula 1.
This is my second one as the other one was in my big tank for almost 4 years and grew to about 4.5 inches around.


Had to come by again to say how much I LOOOOOVE your tank!

Soooooo much color! Probably one of the most colorful nanos I have seen! I absolutely love the variety and how everything fits well together. Those pink yumas (right?) where did you get them?? I am in love!


yep pink yumas is what they are, i got them from of my buddys at the LFS, but if you like them i will send you a frag as soon as i replenish my stock as i just sold six of them.


Here are some new frags of mine, they are a lord corals.


Originally Posted by rtspeed
yep pink yumas is what they are, i got them from of my buddys at the LFS, but if you like them i will send you a frag as soon as i replenish my stock as i just sold six of them.
Ooooh! I would absolutely LOOOOVE a frag of those! Do you know if they ship well? Because if they don't, I would hate for you to risk it and kill such a beautiful creature.

And I saw your new acan frags! GORGEOUS!!! I need to go shopping with you! Do you know if those will do okay in my tank? I have PC lighting...


Originally Posted by KAT74
Ooooh! I would absolutely LOOOOVE a frag of those! Do you know if they ship well? Because if they don't, I would hate for you to risk it and kill such a beautiful creature.

And I saw your new acan frags! GORGEOUS!!! I need to go shopping with you! Do you know if those will do okay in my tank? I have PC lighting...

The yumas should ship just fine, i am expecting to frag them in the middle of april, i will send you a few just pay shipping.
The lord are fine to be in a biocube and mine are growing way to fast to even see where the rock they came on starts anymore, just fyi these were gifts to me, but if i had to pay for them it would of been about400-600 dollars for them, your better off waiting till i move them to my 150 or 225, and i will send you some.


Originally Posted by rtspeed
The yumas should ship just fine, i am expecting to frag them in the middle of april, i will send you a few just pay shipping.
The lord are fine to be in a biocube and mine are growing way to fast to even see where the rock they came on starts anymore, just fyi these were gifts to me, but if i had to pay for them it would of been about400-600 dollars for them, your better off waiting till i move them to my 150 or 225, and i will send you some.
Are you serious??? I will be MORE than happy to pay for shipping for anything you wanna send me!
And Lord & Taylor! I had noooo idea that acans were that much! I just checked some out and whew! they are expensive, but boy are they beautiful!~

I'll name my first born after you!~


Wow your tank looks great! I have a 12 gallon and I am having trouble keeping fish alive... I lost a clown and a few damsels...

The only thing that is high is my alkalinity and it is through the roof... I did a 50% water change the other day but it's still high... what could it be? How do I get it down?


Active Member
What is the orange branching coral in your tank? It looks like it could be a type of gorgonian but I am not sure.. I love it though and I have a spot for somthing like that in my tank. VERY NICE...!!!