rubbermaid refuge.............


i dont have one, but IME through mixing water for changes, if you do not get one with thick walls, it will bulge quite a bit. and when you add sand and rock and stuff to it, i would expect a bit more bulge. just a word of caution...


Active Member
hmmmmm..............neverthought of that but if you got one of those heavy duty ones that are zig zaggy shaped.o never mind:hilarious . but thanks for your imput. you shorted me a disaster.
well if you had one and you are farmiliar w/ them what whould you reccomend putiing in it?
since their cheap you could get 2, and put one inside the other for support. Just a thought
I think you shuold be fine though. My LFS uses little tiny rubbermaid buckets, about 1 foot long and 6 inches wide for display tanks for their urchins/choc chip starfish. They have LS and LR in them too. I think you should be fine.


Active Member
i've seen a few different designs on here before using them, do a search using the word rubbermaid, you should be able to find some good ideas for supporting them


New Member
I just setup a new sump/fuge system a few days ago. With a bowfront space is limited and a traditional Xgallon long sump was not an effective option. So I built a bi-level sump/fuge. I went to office depot and bought 3 thick plastic hanging folder boxes. This system gives me enough space for everything I want to have in there and more. I have attached a couple of pics of the setup. In the fuge I have a few different kinds of macro algae, grape caulerpa, lettuce (ulva), halimeda and some snails in my fuge.


Active Member
how do you have your fuge attached to your tank? do you have a pic? how about sandbed "?
sorry for all the q's


Active Member
I had a 15g fuge and 15g sump w/ my 84g. Not a very good pic though....i was showing someone how it works......

tony detroit

Active Member
The rubbermaid tubs at tractor supply stores and farm supply stores are made to hold water and food for pigs, etc. They don't bulge at all. Many people that run fuges in their basement use them, they are great if you have the room