rubbermaid shelves for reef?


New Member
so im thinking of building a shelving system so that i can have the LR staggered up and down in my tank...i was thinking of using these rubbermaid kitchen shelve/stands that are basically 4 legs witha grid table top. if i put them in the back of my tank, i could place LR on em with LR in front of the shelving legs so that you cant see the actual question is this...does anyonew know if these "shelves" would be toxic to my tank? they seem like they are meade of metal with a white plasticy rubbery (not sure which) coating. has anyone ever tried this before? what were the efftects?
thanks guys


ive seen pvc and eggcrate system, that worked fine. more diy though, i wouldnt want metal in my tank regaurdless of what its covered by. my opinoin, other might disagree, but great idea with the racks.


New Member
is it cuz the saltwater would corrode it? or would metal release something toxic in the tank?


i cant tell you physicaly/chemically what will hape im a SGT not a DR. saltwater and metal = bad. ive seen eggcrate and pvc stands plus pvc archway supports but that was for a 400 gallon tank.


New Member
go to lowes or homedepot and ask if they have drop in celing tile. we use an egg crate drop in for return air to go back to the a/c unit. it can be in the a/c section lighting sectionalso they have a defusser for the floresent lights that are in the cellings. long winde i know just hope it will help you find some. i'm a retired electrian and a/c tech. that why i say these two places bought it before


Active Member
greeds i thought i wrote a long post to you explainign what id id but i guess i didnt
anyway i used thicker acrlic rounded sheets and marine epoxied them to my rock and it made awesoe (transparent) shelves in there to make large caves for my shark and it worked awesome you also cannot see the aacrlyic in the tank when its laying flat since your rock is covering it everywere and it looks alot better than eggcrates evan though thats what alot of people use, i just dont liek the look of it


New Member
interesting...any pics? also, where would you get the acrylic sheets from?
do they come in different sizes or do you just cut and paste?


Active Member
any home depot or lowes has acrylic sheets and they will cut to your sizeor you can do the cutting yourself.. i thin k the thickest they have is qurter inch acrylic maybe a little thicker which should hold well as long as supported good by the rock.. i dont have pics as i had a small catastrophy with my tank a week ago but once i put everythign back in my new tank with my new rockwork ill make sure i send them to you.. its actually really cool how it looks int he water as if the rocks were joined somehow in that position..