Rubbermaid Tank


New Member
Anyone ever thought of using a Rubbermaid storage/tote bin and making it into a tank? I was thinking of one I had bought for my wife to keep summer clothes in. The idea would be to cut out a good portion of the front and replacing it with plexiglass, but at the same time leaving a border for for the plexi to stick to. The bin holds like 50 gal according to the sticker on it. I bought it from Target for $20.00 and the plexi will run another $20.00. I'll have to buy another bin though. No way my wife will let me experiment on her's. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by CPTTECH
Thanks I'll be sure in take some pictures.
My only thoughts are that it would bow out considerably when filled with water. Just because it gives gallons doesn't mean that it will hold gallons if that makes sense.


New Member
Funny you should mention that because a good friend of mine told me the same thing. Thing is I have already been using one slightly smaller for curing DIY rock as well as uncured rock from the ocean. I'll be sure in test it before I actually go to work on it. I've done a DIY plexi tank and experienced the same thing so I made cross bars out of some remaining plexi and it did the trick.


Active Member
ive used a 400 gallon rubbermaid container filled with water and rocks for one of my crocadiles..i also cut a huge hole out of the front put a piece of acrylic in there slicone and screwed it in and it worked EXcELLENT


Active Member
i do have pics somewhere, ill have to find them though,,its very easy to do honestly,, and i used 3/8" thickness, as is aid it held somewere around 500-600 gallons,, if you shoot me an email i could show you where i got mine at


those rubbermaid totes are not stout enough to hold the water. they will buckle and fold on you. there will be water everywhere. go buy one and fill it w/water and you will see what I mean.


Active Member
no, your thinking of a regular rubbermaid container at walmart or something.. You have to order these, they are industrial rubbermaid containers , beleive me these things are close to a half-inch thick of wall..if you want to see a pic search "rubbermaid stock tank" they go all the way up to 500 gallon!! and are made to be filled with water!!


that is what he said a storage tote to store misc. stuff in. they are not stout e-nuff


Active Member
yes i see what your saying, my bad... but if he wants a large one that WILL hold i can direct you in the right spot


New Member
I guees nuddy buddy didn't read what I said earlier. I used and continue to use one slightly smaller that the one I was talking about for live rock curing. Been doing it for about 2yrs and never had one bust on me. I did say I would test it before actually getting into it anyway.


I have a long 50 gal. and it buckled I know for experience. the shorter ones may work. but the bigger you go that is more water pressure on the sides. 30 gal=about 240lbs 50gal=400 that is a lot more weight, for the same thin walled totes. but yea I read it. but you said you had a smaller tote. you said you wanted a 50 gal. the bigger you go the more weight and pressure it puts out.

bill f

Yeah, the stock tanks are double walled and thicker plastic. Its what you see in your lfs, those big black tubs. I'm going to use a 100 gallon for a sump.