Rubble LR


New Member
Hi all. I am setting up a fuge. Wondering about Rubble Live Rock. Is it more beneficial to have lots of smaller pieces (due to the surface area) or fewer large pieces? Also, is tonga branch rock not as good as the other types? It always is priced so much lower ay my LFS.


I put a one inch layer of LS and then added 5 lbs of LR/R. I made my own, I just picked a rock out of the DT that was not working for me, wraped it in a towel wet with tank water and BAM, put the ole' hammer to it. It works great. Just remember to use rubber gloves and safety glasses.


If I had to venture a guess about the Tonga Branch, I would say it isn't as popular as the chunkier pieces (Fuji, etc). I think most people buy the Branch as a decoration rather then to build a structure.


New Member
So would rubble Tonga Branch be as good as rubble Fiji? Or would there be no difference?


New Member
Originally Posted by KevtheIris
IMO for a fuge go RR, cheaper, and more surface area, but im a NooB ;)
Thanks Kev, that I what I thought.