rubble pod farm


I took a handful of rubble that had dried out and dumped it into a corner of the tank to see if it gave protection to the pods and give them a place to multiply since I don't have a fuge set up yet.
As you can see from the picture, a lot of ditritus is getting trapped there because the hermits, shrimp and snails can't get to it.
When I looked at the ditritus with a magnifying glass (my most used purchase to date!), it was covered with pods! Hundreds of them in that small area.
Also, as you can see, my turbos and hermits are doing their best to get to the sand down there. There are five turbos in that picture :)
The rubble only covers about 18 square inches so I'm hoping that the ditritus buildup won't hurt anything.


Active Member
i tried to do the same thing, but my hermits kept moving it all over the place. I used to repile it, but now I just gave up. I got beat by a 1/2" hermit crab . . . . :notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by 007
i tried to do the same thing, but my hermits kept moving it all over the place. I used to repile it, but now I just gave up. I got beat by a 1/2" hermit crab . . . . :notsure:

I think I got beat by a diamond goby, ever since it was added my corner pile has faded out. LOL.
Your on the right track, IMO. Dont worry about the build up, with a good clean up crew you'll be on your way.


I put some larger pieces on either side to act as a wall. I just walked in and found my two cleaner shrimp reaching down and feeling around inside the rock :)
I'm considering a goby/pistol shrimp combo so they will probably destroy anything I build anyways. Oh well, that's life in the saltwater lane :)