Rudest thing an lfs employee has ever said to you part 2



lets hear some of thoselfs stories
Here's mine.
I was with my friend and we were picking out his first fish. But there was this employee that was so rude and im not just saying that ! And he was just like a big fart. I rather not type the whole story its way to long
Well mine wasnt really rude or anything he was just an $$$. He i could put camel back shrimp in my tank wow big big big no no. . So i bought them i was an nooby then the next morning he was fat and most all my coral was gone. HOLY WAS I MAD SO I HAD TO TAKE ALL MY FREAKIN ROCK OUT TO CATCH HIM ALMOST CRASHED MY TANK FROM THE BIO MIX UP! THE END LOL


um. there was this one lfs i went to and they were very rude or at least this employee was. i was with my mom ,who is the fish freak, and my older brother, an ex-marine with a short temper who also loved fish. well everything was great until my older brother heard an employee, an asian in HighSchool student, talkin to my mom. heres how i remember it:
Mom: Wow whats that yellow thing?
AsianEmployee:Aw Dude! thats a yellow fiji.
Mom:How much?
Employee: I think its 30$ dude. but yeah that a sweet deal man.
Mom: you cant go any lower?
Employee: Whaaa?? Dude thats already cheap, you kno any place they sell that for 30$? thats crazy dude.
OLder Brother: EY! you talk like that to your mom?
Employee: Huh? Uh. yeah?
OLder Brother: Do you? you lil punk?!
Employee: Silence*
OlderBrother:You dumb***K. if i ever hear u disrespect my mom. imma kick your a*s. what? you gonna do something?!
Mom: Jon! stop! oh im sorry. we'll be leaving thank you.
OlderBrother: *gives that stare that yall marines do. very intimidating.
Employee: silent and runs to the back after we leave.
that was very rude for the employee to say that. the funny thing is next day my brother and younger brother went over there the next day without my mom. uhh the next thing i kno they were treated like royalty in that lfs. that same yellow fiji for 30$ was givin for 15$ to my brother. ahahahhahahaa damn marines and all that macho stuff. ive never seen such a scared employee in my life. poor lil guy.

i always think about that moment when i look at that yellow fiji. *on the top left


Active Member
hahaha that marine story is good.....out here in west texas we really don't have problems with people being rude , just dumb like the only lfs in odessa that deals with swfish has a shark in a 150 ,it can't even turn around ...thats rude ,at least i think so.


Hmm thats a tough one but I'll give it a shot:
Me: hey that midas blenny looks really good how much are you selling him for?
employee1: I think he is going for around 25$ let me check (calls employee2)
employee2: (from the back room) yeah 25
Me: thats cool you don't use like copper based stuff in your tanks to fight ick do you?
employee1: na that we would never do something like that... these fish are well maintained by that filter in the center of the room... (points at filter)
Me: okay cool, but your sure there hasn't been any copper in these tanks in the past week (I notice an open known Cu treatment near a bucket behind him)
employee1: no man didn't you just hear me... are you like deaf or something!
employee2: (from the back) M**k you just treated the tanks this morning what are you talking about?!?
employee1: oh yeah right... sorry dude I guess they have been treated, but they normally arn't
Me: Riiiight maybe I'll be back when I'm sure its not in the system
(never have gone back in over 7 months... what a douche)
Sometimes I think they should pay a little more attention to who they hire for jobs like this. It seems like there are alot of PETA complaints against pet shops, and maybe getting some upper level management with a degree might help alleviate the problems... just a thought


Active Member
Just the other day we went to lfs and got to talking to the manager and my hubby asked if they needed any part time help, he said not at the moment. I then asked the price of a single hairy mushroom. Then he walked away to wait on another customer. He didn't come back so i asked a salesman to bag it up. He goes to grab it and says, we got a problem, its attached to this coral (actually a piece of LR) and we would have to buy the whole thing, or he would try to remove the mushroom from it, we just stared at him cause we couldn't believe he thought the rock was a coral! So he says, well, to save you some money, i will just pull it off the other coral!!! I came out of my shock and said, no!!!!!! I don't want to attach the mushroom to another rock in my tank, just give me the whole thing. He said ok, but are you sure you want that other coral? Not very colorful one (ithought, of course its not colorful, its a piece of gray LR you idiot
)He says, well, just trying to save you money
I said, just leave it and we went to the manager and told him what went on, he rolled his eyes like this:
And handed hubby an application


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Do threads like this serve any purpose?
Not really but its fun to hear all the stories


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Do threads like this serve any purpose?

Pretty ridiculous thread if you asked me, the fact that one has to point out that a pet shop employee was asian.
Think of it this way, there are more than a handful of pet stores that can be considered "cruel" and uneducated when it comes to certain animals. However in order to run a store the store owner needs employees. If any of you knew how to run a business, (a pet store specifically) you'd be searching for expert aquarists for 15+ years to run your store.
Now, after stating the above you'd probably say "Then he shouldn't run the store" - Well that's easy for you to say.


I have one!I went to a LFS that I have never bought from but had heard alot about, everyone always said the corals were awesome there. So I puled into the parking lot and opened the door and that is when the trip to that store ended badly! I got there and all the tanks were not marked with the prices of the corals/ fish ( I started to worry then b/c I don't buy corals that are high priced, I like to know how much a coral is before buying it- I get embarissed about asking about a coral and having to turn it down b/c it is too expensive!)Me: I've heard alot about this place and I am just going to see if you have the coral I'm looking for.Worker: well what tank size do you have? That will let me know which coral you can buy.
My thought
: (why does it matter the size?)
: I have a 12 gallon aquapod.
: Oh, one of those!
: that coral right there, what does that cost?
: how much do you have currently in the tank?
: how much does it cost?
: Do you think you should be looking at corals?
: all I want to know is how much it costs!!!
: can you describe the tank.
: Are you going to sell me anything?
(He was really not going to sell me anything. He told me shortly after that those tanks are a waste of time and that selling me a coral would be the biggest mistake he could make!)
I stormed out and was soooo upset! He didn't even know me. He didn't know that the LFS I normally go to respects me as a reefer and that I am very well known over there, for the large success of my 12 gallon aquapod!
I spoke to another person and they said that his corals are cheap as long as he approves of you (why do I have to be approved?). So I went back to the rude shop b/c I was searching for a decent size sun polyp and I got word that he had one. I went in and lied to him saying I had a 55 gallon and sure enough he was a totally different person- he was funny, pleasant, and extremely nice and talkative with me. And let me just tell you, I left that afternoon with a supper huge, supper cheap sun polyp. I have gone there since that purchase!
I, to this day, cannot belive he would rather turn me down- than make a sale!
A complete jerk!!!!
i recieved a refractometer as a gift from my 2 sons...when i took it out to look at it the hinge on the plastic flip up piece was broken...i went back to the store and the kid behind the counter said" yeah its broken...but it will still work" i asked to speak to the owner...who ordered me a new one!!
i dont think this thread is rediculous at all.. i own a very busy plumbing company and reading these threads brings a smile and a laugh during an otherwise hectic and stressfull day, sometimes people just have to sit back and laugh a little....youll live longer!


Active Member
Originally Posted by halcyon_diver
i recieved a refractometer as a gift from my 2 sons...when i took it out to look at it the hinge on the plastic flip up piece was broken...i went back to the store and the kid behind the counter said" yeah its broken...but it will still work" i asked to speak to the owner...who ordered me a new one!!
i dont think this thread is rediculous at all.. i own a very busy plumbing company and reading these threads brings a smile and a laugh during an otherwise hectic and stressfull day, sometimes people just have to sit back and laugh a little....youll live longer!
Exactly, I love fish threads but these are different and funny.


Originally Posted by crt81I have one!I went to a LFS that I have never bought from but had heard alot about, everyone always said the corals were awesome there. So I puled into the parking lot and opened the door and that is when the trip to that store ended badly! I got there and all the tanks were not marked with the prices of the corals/ fish ( I started to worry then b/c I don't buy corals that are high priced, I like to know how much a coral is before buying it- I get embarissed about asking about a coral and having to turn it down b/c it is too expensive!)
: I've heard alot about this place and I am just going to see if you have the coral I'm looking for.
: well what tank size do you have? That will let me know which coral you can buy.
My thought
: (why does it matter the size?)
: I have a 12 gallon aquapod.
: Oh, one of those!
: that coral right there, what does that cost?
: how much do you have currently in the tank?
: how much does it cost?
: Do you think you should be looking at corals?
: all I want to know is how much it costs!!!
: can you describe the tank.
: Are you going to sell me anything?
(He was really not going to sell me anything. He told me shortly after that those tanks are a waste of time and that selling me a coral would be the biggest mistake he could make!)
I stormed out and was soooo upset! He didn't even know me. He didn't know that the LFS I normally go to respects me as a reefer and that I am very well known over there, for the large success of my 12 gallon aquapod!
I spoke to another person and they said that his corals are cheap as long as he approves of you (why do I have to be approved?). So I went back to the rude shop b/c I was searching for a decent size sun polyp and I got word that he had one. I went in and lied to him saying I had a 55 gallon and sure enough he was a totally different person- he was funny, pleasant, and extremely nice and talkative with me. And let me just tell you, I left that afternoon with a supper huge, supper cheap sun polyp. I have gone there since that purchase!
I, to this day, cannot belive he would rather turn me down- than make a sale!
A complete jerk!!!!

Because if they HAD sold it to you and then it DIED because you weren't aware of its needs at the time then you'd post to SWF forums and not recommend them because "they dont look out for new aquarists and are just trying to make a sale
"! LOL



Originally Posted by thud
Because if they HAD sold it to you and then it DIED because you weren't aware of its needs at the time then you'd post to SWF forums and not recommend them because "they dont look out for new aquarists and are just trying to make a sale
"! LOL

I wanted some really nice zoos! (These corals are the easiest of all corals in my opinion!)
I already had a few colonies of zoos and they are awesome and they are doing awesome as well!


Active Member
Originally Posted by crt81I have one!
: I've heard alot about this place and I am just going to see if you have the coral I'm looking for.
: well what tank size do you have? That will let me know which coral you can buy.
My thought
: (why does it matter the size?)
: I have a 12 gallon aquapod.
: Oh, one of those!
: that coral right there, what does that cost?
: how much do you have currently in the tank?
: how much does it cost?
: Do you think you should be looking at corals?
: all I want to know is how much it costs!!!
: can you describe the tank.
: Are you going to sell me anything?
(He was really not going to sell me anything. He told me shortly after that those tanks are a waste of time and that selling me a coral would be the biggest mistake he could make!)
I can't believe you have a problem with his questions. These are some of the best questions I have heard, and completely reasonable to ask.
I am THRILLED that he turned down the option of making a sale...quite possibly to save an animal from going into an unsuitable tank.
All you needed to do was engage in the conversation. Every single one of those were reasonable and great questions to ask.
I would ABSOLUTELY go back to that store any time.
As a former LFS employee, I wonder when I can bring up the "rudest thing a customer said to me" thread?


One should never judge someone if they don't know that person!
What does anyone really know what a person is capable of?
And as said before- he became a totally diferent person once I said I had a larger tank- who knows I could have had an ick infested, algea infested, and poor water quality tank but as soon as I said I had a larger tank he was fine with me! There is nothing wrong with a small tank!
And also those questions he was asking me were in my opinion okay but the fact that he at the end decided that he was not going to sell me anything b/c I had a sm. tank was obserd!
I know what I can and what I cannot have and if I don't know something about a coral and the LFS worker tells me about it, and what it needs- I will in no way shape or form get it if the tank I have cannot support it! But when I'm turned down from getting a supper easy coral, (ex:zoos or a xenia) I get upset!
I would never put a marine animal in my tank if my tank cannot meet the requirements for keeping it!!!!!!!

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
As a former LFS employee, I wonder when I can bring up the "rudest thing a customer said to me" thread?
Do it! DO IT!!


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Do it! DO IT!!

You just can't win.
If you sell to anyone irresponsibly, then you're "Just trying to make a sale and dont care about harming specimens"
If you lookout for BOTH the specimen AND potential failure then you're an idiot for that too.
You cant win in this world.


Active Member
Also, if you have an educated staff and clean tanks, well they charge more. So then people complain about the high prices. So no, you really can't win.