Rule of Tang (thumb) :)


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Originally Posted by puffer32
I would forget the butterfly, I had a 6 line, he ate my pods, and chased my shrimp leaving less pods for my scooter and mandrin prefer the fairy wrasses myself. But its your tank. I have a flame angel, he doesn't touch my corals.
so what do you suggest i would like to try another mandarin but dont think i will since i dont have a fuge
so a sixline bcs he will eat the flake or frozen so him and a flame angel or a coral beauty.
im am kinda shaky on buying a 50 dollar fish! tht can be one expensive flush...
mabe ill try it?
so hows this final list sound?
yellow Tang
Pink Blue watchman

(is anohter clown 2 much?)
2 chromis
( can you mix species of chromis like a BG and a Blue reef chrmois)
Flame Angel ( how susceptible are these guy to ick? as much as a tang?)
Sixline Wrasse


that sounds like a pretty good list...i did a freshwater dip on my flame and blue regal before i put them in my MT


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
that sounds like a pretty good list...i did a freshwater dip on my flame and blue regal before i put them in my MT
so would 8 fish b 2 much with the 2 chromis and 2 clowns with everything els.?


i would add another clown before i added the chromis but that is just my preference but i think you would be ok with the list you but that would be it as you are probably getting close to that fish stock limit...i once heard it was need for every inch of fish you need at least 1 to 2 gallons


not trying to be rude or anything just dont use the 1 inch to 1 gallon rule(i think the most common is actually 1 inch to 5 gaalons but either way not a good rule) with the one inch to 5 gallons rule you could technically keep a yt in like a 30ish gallon...not a good idea.


well that is true too...the research on space requirements for each fish is most important because of territoriality issues


Active Member
the one inch a gallon rule is retarted. it may work for freshwater on passive fish but that is about it.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bill109
so what do you suggest i would like to try another mandarin but dont think i will since i dont have a fuge
so a sixline bcs he will eat the flake or frozen so him and a flame angel or a coral beauty.
im am kinda shaky on buying a 50 dollar fish! tht can be one expensive flush...
mabe ill try it?
so hows this final list sound?
yellow Tang
Pink Blue watchman

(is anohter clown 2 much?)
2 chromis
( can you mix species of chromis like a BG and a Blue reef chrmois)
Flame Angel ( how susceptible are these guy to ick? as much as a tang?)
Sixline Wrasse

I wouldn't get the angel yet, wait until your tank get better established. Its also not a bad idea to keep a space open for 1 more fish. Sonce you are not to sure what you even want right now, why get something just because you have room?Save that spot in case you see something down the road that you just have to have???? No mandrin though.


Active Member
I'm too lazy to read all the above but if you know already you want at least two tangs already than you need to do a bigger upgrade plain and simple. Its not a matter of compatibility. I'm quite sure with disimular shapes, thought out introduction sequence and introduction fish size you can find two tangs that wont fight in a 75g but you wont find any two that wont grow too large to keep long term in a 75.
perhaps two tangs the size of a full grown kole or bristle tooth tang may (barely) be able to exist in a 75g size tank as they dont grow nearly as large as most others but the problem is all those smaller 6-7" max size tangs are all the exact same shape so they are a no go. any other tang you get that isn't the same shape even if they wont fight is a too large of species for long term keeping in a 75 (or 125g for that matter its just you rarely see a full size Hippo, powder,Yellow, sailfin, scopa ect).


Active Member
first , quarantine all of your fish with hypo, and only 1-2 at a time.
hold off on the angel, you can get it later on.
wise to not get the tang.
i dont know why everyone suggests getting a sixline wrasse? to me they are so common and so boring and eat the pods that you may want to be there for mandarins. there are SOOOO many beautiful species of wrasse that are larger, and prettier than the six line. some are reef safe, some arent. Anthias are a beautiful fish and should not be overlooked. they have nice personality and pictures on the web dont really do them justice.
also , i have never heard of a 5.5' 75g tank, is that custom? sort of annoying tank size to light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
first , quarantine all of your fish with hypo, and only 1-2 at a time.
hold off on the angel, you can get it later on.
wise to not get the tang.
i dont know why everyone suggests getting a sixline wrasse? to me they are so common and so boring and eat the pods that you may want to be there for mandarins. there are SOOOO many beautiful species of wrasse that are larger, and prettier than the six line. some are reef safe, some arent. Anthias are a beautiful fish and should not be overlooked. they have nice personality and pictures on the web dont really do them justice.
also , i have never heard of a 5.5' 75g tank, is that custom? sort of annoying tank size to light.
lol im nit sure about the length estimate. not 6 feet though but close.
heres a question will i have to wait for a cycle if i add fish from my 30 to a 75?
or should i fill tht one and let it cycle then take the fish and 4get about my 30 alons of water.
or can i just fill up about 75minus30 gallons and put tht in then let it sit for a week then add my fish rock and sand.
so this is the plan here as far as fish,
Pink Blue watchman
2 clowns
2 chromis
Angel.. will wait and keep space open for it
warsse of some sort.


Active Member

Originally Posted by bill109
lol im nit sure about the length estimate. not 6 feet though but close.
heres a question will i have to wait for a cycle if i add fish from my 30 to a 75?
if your 75 uses the LR and LS and some Water from your 30, you likely will not get a cycle. i moved from a 75 ->150 with no cycle.

or should i fill tht one and let it cycle then take the fish and 4get about my 30 alons of water.
if you have the time, the safe way to do it is seed it with maybe 40% of your existing LR and LS, and water, then top off the rest of both tanks with fresh salt water. and watch the levels in the 75. the 55 will just be getting a water change. when you are sure there is no cycle after a week, then go ahead and transfer.

see above


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
see above
thanx i will need to buy more lr and sand so ill buy what i need and put it in.. next ill fill the tank with about what? 40 percent of my water in the 30 then wait a week. if no cycle occurs then put in the rest of my lr and ls from the 30 then add the fish? the same day as?
next when i add current fish csn they go in at once or do they have to be put in a week at a time,


Active Member
whatever is left over , fill with fresh salt water so the tank is full, and functional. this way the water is moving into the sump and filtrating over the rocks. after a week i started adding like 2 chunks of LR every other day. lastly , empty out 75% of of your 55g so you have nothing but a few inches of water, sand and fish. this will make your life easier catching the fish. try to avoid netting them, just use nets to coax them into plastic containers, to transfer them into buckets and acclimate them about 2 hours. i would say you can do them all the same day with no problem, but make sure you have enough floating small heaters / thermometers to keep the acclimation bucket temperature as close to your new DT as possible. if you only have one, then do 2-3 small fish at a time in a bucket. then when you are ready , do the process over with more fish.


Just out of curiosity and not to be rude but how many and what kinds of fish did you lose so far>


Active Member
Originally Posted by cyclops
Just out of curiosity and not to be rude but how many and what kinds of fish did you lose so far>
angel and a pair of chrmois from *****...
the chrmis didnt even make it through the QT my other lfs told me tht since they were from the phillipians thy use a chemical so the fish just kinda float up so the divers can catch them and bring em to the store. then they dotn make it very far at all.
the mandarin went back to the lfs bcs i didnt have neough pods..
is tht alot?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
THAT chemical would be cyanide.
On my own fault, I've only lost two damsels. Not a big loss.
so tht was true.. wow thts cruel