Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I would forget the butterfly, I had a 6 line, he ate my pods, and chased my shrimp leaving less pods for my scooter and mandrin prefer the fairy wrasses myself. But its your tank. I have a flame angel, he doesn't touch my corals.
so what do you suggest i would like to try another mandarin but dont think i will since i dont have a fuge
so a sixline bcs he will eat the flake or frozen so him and a flame angel or a coral beauty.
im am kinda shaky on buying a 50 dollar fish! tht can be one expensive flush...
mabe ill try it?
so hows this final list sound?
yellow Tang
Pink Blue watchman
Clown (is anohter clown 2 much?)
2 chromis ( can you mix species of chromis like a BG and a Blue reef chrmois)
Flame Angel ( how susceptible are these guy to ick? as much as a tang?)
Sixline Wrasse