Run Carbon during Hyposalinity treatment?


Should you remove carbon before doing hypo treatment?
What about your protein skimmer, off or on?
I had tried medication first for a week (will waiting to get a refractometer), and now want to try hypo treatment?
Will trace amounts of medication still in the tank affect hypo treatment?
I tried medication for 6 days (it seemed to work removing large amounts of ick off the fish, but the minute I thought it might be gone and stopped medication for just 1 day, it came back with a bang), but I do not like how it stained the tank, and seemed to stress the fish out more (heavy breathing, probobly lack of oxygen, added air line, no stone).
I have been running carbon (and the skimmer) for a day now to remove the medication, before I begin tring hypo treatment, is there a certain amount of time to wait?
I read some people having issued with hypo and it's duration time?
What is the success rate with hypo and how long does average treatment take?


Staff member
You can run the carbon fine. Can run the skimmer too, but it won't really skim under hyposaline condition. However, the added circulation from the pump is always a plus.
What med did you use?


It was called "Rid Ick" or "Ick Guard".
A dark blue chemical that stained the tank

I know the carbon and skimmer will remove it, but will trace elements left behind affect hypo treatment.
Also, will hypo affect the bio wheel on the power filter or the ceramcic rings in the canister filter?