Rushed in, what can I do?


U know what I hate seeing this, I'll take the time to walk you through all this from scratch if you want, but cancel the order and email me.
If the order is in, and you can't cancel it go to your nearest friend with a marine tank and have them hold the fish for you.
IF that isn't possible goto the local fish store and see if they will hold them for you in their tank or take store credit on them.
Right now you have so much to learn, these fish will all die.
For instance, even if you did daily water changes to prevent ammonia death to your fish. What RO/DI filter do you have for the water? How do you mix your saltwater for 24hours to make the salinity even, is the water temperature in the new water the same as in the tank?
This is a great hobby to learn but its not like keeping some freshwater guppies, if you don't go very slow you'll kill a bunch of poor fish, and then quit in frustration.
Theres a bunch of books I'd recommend you read then start from there or join a local reef club and get them to help or hell email me ill walk you through every step, just dont rush and kill a bunch of fish!


Active Member
If your 50 gallon tank has already been setup for a few days then at least that saves a few day of waiting on the cycle (but not much). Get the rock in the tank now! Get the QT setup now!! If you can get a peice of egg crate (from Home Depot) and cut to section off the fish in the QT so you can separate the fish if needed. If your Qt is 20 gallons then prepare your water change water now. Get a 30 or 40 gallon rubbermaid garbage can and get that water mixing. As soon as you do a water change start making more. If the fish are really small (which since they are coming from this site then they are bigger then expected) then you might get away with water change every 2 days but you need to watch the ammonia indicator I suggested you buy. ***** and Petsmart carry them fairly cheaply but get one as a safeguard.
Good Luck!!


I appreciate all the advice. I am going to find someone to hold on to my fish for a while. I'm gonna get a second tank as a QT and set that up along with my main tank.
Thanks alot for the help.


Originally Posted by gwh57
Let's be nice... the poster admitted they are new and rushed in.
Some people also need to be told the truth also.


Originally Posted by gwh57
Some people also need to be told the truth also.

I am asking for the truth. I have no problem with that.


Originally Posted by crmaykish
I am asking for the truth. I have no problem with that.
It was the moderator that had a problem not you.


I guess I missed the "not nice" part, looks very helpful from here I am hopeing all the advice gets this guy on the right path and prevents any rushing burn out like we see far to often.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gwh57
Some people also need to be told the truth also.

Your post was rude; not helpful. The original poster understands the mistake they made, no need to rub it in.


Active Member
another option may be a local reef club. they may be able to hold your critters for a bit. I know my LFS wouldn't take the fish but yours might.
Where are you located maybe someone here could help.
No need to stress whats done is done. At least you're here now and have sought out help.
Good Luck if you happen to be in my area I would be glad to help!


Active Member
You need to just cut your losses and trade everything except the LR to your LFS for credit... they will probably only give you market value so your gonna have to just cut your losses .... 2 yellow tangs in a 50 gallon is ridiculous, I dont mean to be harsh but that is a plain and simple fact.
Good Luck if you need any help email me at


Active Member
Originally Posted by readster
ah hell, just throw it all in there, and hope for the best !!
Definitely think there are better options than that... we are talking about living creatures here.


Active Member
You could still be ok..The LFS here and I have been doing an experiment for a year this january..I did not cycle per waiting how ever long is said needed...They did...We added the same fish at the same time over this period, and there is NO difference in the fish survivability...Difference in the tanks are that i use a fluval cannister filter, they use sump, etc....You can search for pictures of my tank and see for yourself...It is possible, to survive what you have started..


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Definitely think there are better options than that... we are talking about living creatures here.
Did your edit key stop working?


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
You could still be ok..The LFS here and I have been doing an experiment for a year this january..I did not cycle per waiting how ever long is said needed...They did...We added the same fish at the same time over this period, and there is NO difference in the fish survivability...Difference in the tanks are that i use a fluval cannister filter, they use sump, etc....You can search for pictures of my tank and see for yourself...It is possible, to survive what you have started..
No offense but are you taking in to consideration the internal damage that may be caused to the fish? Not to mention the stress you are putting them through while swimming in unsuitable conditions?
There are a lot of things living creatures CAN survive but that doesn't make it right......


We all make mistakes, its how we learn. However, I re-did my 180 a couple years ago and had 2 tangs and 2 clown fish in a 20 gallon QT for 30 days using RO/DI water on my kitchen table (bash away!!!) . I did water changes every day just about, kept some oxygen running through the tank and after 4 weeks my main tank was ready and they went back in and everything was cool. I was fotunate they were okay but you really dont have any other choice if they are in front of you. Please do not put them in the main tank while the LR cures, they will certainly be dead. At least this way, you have a chance to keep them alive. Good luck!!!


ackermsb said:
Please do not put them in the main tank while the LR cures, they will certainly be dead./QUOTE]
I bought my live rock from SWF. Do I still need to worry about curing it?


Depends if it was cured or not. Chances are you will still run through a mini-cycle if it was cured for any die off and from the live sand. You need to put the sand and the rock in the tank as soon as possible and wait a few days to see if there is any sort of ammonia spike. Sometimes it takes 3,4 or 5 days to see the spike at all so dont rush it after 1 or 2 days. Id go to the grocery store and buy a raw shrimp and throw it in there to try and jump start the cycle. May save you a few days.
Good luck


Originally Posted by ackermsb
Depends if it was cured or not. Chances are you will still run through a mini-cycle if it was cured for any die off and from the live sand. You need to put the sand and the rock in the tank as soon as possible and wait a few days to see if there is any sort of ammonia spike. Sometimes it takes 3,4 or 5 days to see the spike at all so dont rush it after 1 or 2 days. Id go to the grocery store and buy a raw shrimp and throw it in there to try and jump start the cycle. May save you a few days.
Good luck
I have seen the shrimp thing a few times and I'll go with it.
I already have live sand in there, does that matter if I just stick the live rock in?
Also, Should I get the two fish I have out and put them with the new arrivals?