Rust Colored Algae?


New Member
We have live rock and live sand in our new 30 gallon. It has been set up for 24 days now. We had nice coraline algae on the rock but it has since turned a rust color along with a rust color on the sand. What can we do to eliminate this? Is it common?


Active Member
sounds like diatom to me. VERY common, usually lasts a few months and then goes away on its own. It feeds on silcates, so if you added silicate sand instead of argonite sand, then you will have more problems. Also, be sure you are adding at least reverse osmosis water to your tank, as the "extras" in tap water will cause algae blooms. Many critters will eat diatom: most snails and hermits, as well as lawn mower blennies, just to list a few. Probably just need to wait it out though. Don't get too frustrated yet, this is very common.