Rust in tank


New Member
I just got a 90 gallon tank and have crushed coral in the bottom, about 70 pounds or so. I have about the same amount of live rock. I got RO water and all of my levels are great. But all of the sudden, their is RUST all over my tank. It isn't hairy or really slimy, it is just covering everything. Any idea on how to get rid of it or even what it is???


Active Member
Sounds like detritus. How long has your tank been setup? It's common for new tanks, and tanks in which phosphates are present.
A few things can take care of this....a good cleanup crew, good flow throughout the tank, using RO/DI water only, and regular water changes. You can also use things like phosphate sponges or phosban, but IMO that should be a last resort.
If your tank's new, this is normal, and I would not worry about it. If your tank is established, I would recommend finding out the source of the problem rather then "band-aiding" it with something like phosban. That should be a last resort type of effort.


Active Member
If you tank is only a month or two old then you probably have a normal outbreak of diatoms. They will go away on their own provided you use only distilled or RO water for topoffs, and but a good cleaning crew including snails.


New Member
The tank is only about a month old. I was getting really worried. I have only RO water in it and my levels were right, so I didn't know. Thanks so much.....