Rusty Dwarf Angel won't eat


New Member
I have got a Rusty Angel 3 days ago. He hasn't eaten since I got him. I also added live rock and live sand which sent my levels up. I think this is why he hasn't eaten. Tried flakes, frozen (krill and greens), spinach, shrimp from the grocery store. Nothing works. My tank is only 8 weeks old so the live rock is not too established. Any ideas what he would like?. Is there a chance that he WILL start to eat again?


He will probably come around if your levels are lowered. Right now he is stressed from the move, and stressed due to higher levels from the new LR. Bring e'm down and he should come around...Good Luck...Keep us posted :)


New Member
My tank is 20 gals. I originally had 18lbs of crushed coral bed and 4 lbs of live rock. It was 8 weeks ago and I waited until I had 2 weekly "0" levels before adding the fish. On the same day that I added the Rusty Angel I also added another 3.5 lbs of live rock and 10lbs of live sand. After much investigation I realize now that the Angel needed move live rock. But there is some stuff on the rock - and he hasn't even picked at it. My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels were all 2 color codes off yesterday. I did a 15% water change yesterday and then again today. I am feeling a little bad for this angel, and a bit maternal too. Please, is there anything that will get him to START eating? How much time do I have before there is definetly no way he will ever eat again? Think I should get should live brine shrmip? Please, for his little sake, I need advice.


Your gonna have to get those levels down...Way down. He's stressed and won't eat again untill he is comfortable again. You wouldn't eat either if you were locked in a garage with ten tractor trailers running would you? Get e'm down and he'll pull through. :)
Water changes, water changes, water changes


New Member
About the water changes - I've heard you're suppose to let the water sit for awhile. Yesterday's change had sat for 48 hours, but today's didn't. I was thinking that it was more beneficical to change the water - correct? Given this, how many days would you suggest I change the water for? Or should I just do a larger water change tomorrow - maybe 30%? Again, this water will be mixed then added, is that OK? And now, back to my Rusty, do you think there is hope for him STILL? I have noticed that this evening he is leaving the rocks more to come out in the open. And his breathing doesn't look quite as labored. Am I just wishful thinking, or do you really believe he will START to eat once the levels are down? Do you know by experience how long these types of fish can go without eating, only to start eating again?
Thank you soooo much for responding. I'm obviously a real worried "mom". My gratitude!!


New Member
I'm gonna go test right now - haven't done it since this morning before today's water change. I hope you're still around in 10 minutes. I should be done by then and hopefully you would be able to figure this out for me. I'll also post yesterday's (I have them in my log - I guess you can tell I'm new since I still keep a log - ha!). Hope you can stick around a little longer. Again, Thank You!.


New Member
Water levels same as this morning. PH = 8.3, Ammonia = 1.0, Nitrite = .50, ad Nitrate = 40. I have a 20 gal tank, what would you recommend for a water change tommorrow? And one more time, is there still hope for my Rusty?


1.0 ammonia! You're lucky he's still alive. I would do another 30% water change as soon as possible, Like Now. I haven't ever aged my water before introduction. I just match PH SG and Temp accordingly, and have never had any problems (going on 17 years). You've got to get the Amonia and Nitrite down NOW. These are extremely lethal to fish...Good Luck! <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
I would say, considering your water parameters, tank size, and the condition of the fish, i think you should take the fish back to your LFS. The pigmy angel fish you have needs at least moderately good water conditions, a varied diet, and most people would recomend at least a 30 gallon tank to keep these guys healthy. I'm sure you could do it in less, but right now your tank is quite unstable, and I would guess its at the very least going to shorten his life considerably with the ammount of stress he is going through. Dont worry thought, the LFS will most likely take him back redily. I would wait to your ammonia and nitrites get back to zero before adding any fish. Or if you cant wait, go with something really hardy (and inexpensive)...some sort of damsel to see if your tank (and you) are ready for a bigger challenge. Good luck, and hope your tank turns out beautifully


New Member
To all who answered:
Thank you very much. However I am very sad right now and feeling like a murderer!!! The Worse!! It's 10:30pm where I live but I would do a water change if I could - as luck would have it, not enough salt left to even make a gallon. This just figures.
Please say a prayer for my Rusty. I will be taking him back to the LFS to hold for me. And after you're done with his prayer, say one for me - that my ignorance doesn't take another soul.
Again, thanks for the input. And in this case, the truth really does hurt.


I know the feeling with the salt! ran out today in the middle of a change. I will say a prayer for Rusty. As for you, don't feel bad. We all were learning once, and don't let anyone tell you any different. Just remember, there will always be a next time. The best lessons learned are learned the hard way...Better luck next time ;)
Hey, dont feel so bad. Your Rusty is acctually a pretty damn hardy Angel fish. With a little luck he will make it. I know most everyone here has lost a fish in some way or another. This board is here to help, so just ask questions or look em' up! Good luck to you and Rusty.


I would add some liquid vitamin c to the tank and not sure but I think soaking the food in garlic extract also encourages eating. Hopefully someone here with more experience can attest to this?


Active Member
I had a rusty that died because my tank was not mature enough to offer the diversity of natural food that it required. All my water parameters were stable and my tank well through cycling but the tank just wasn't mature enough. That fish is the only loss I have had ( so far) and even though it's been several months I still haven't added another one yet. I hope yours pulls through and I'm sorry you were misled but you are on the right track now so as not to make that kind of mistake again. I won't add a rusty until this tank is at least 8 months old. Good luck!


New Member
Definitely keep your chin up!
Everyone in this hobby has lost fish!
Research and patience are key!
Good luck!


Don't beat yourself up. Everyone is new once.
As for your fish, its a good idea to take it back to the store. Your ammonia should be 0 and your nitrates should be under 10. Make sure you add all your live rock/sand before you add anymore livestock. Adding liverock will usually force you into a mini cycle that would harm livestock.
As for feeding, sometimes adding live food such as brine shrimp can trigger thier appetites.
Good luck.