Rut Ro think i got a Mad Aneanome


ok maybe i can get some help on this one!
I have a Long Tip Aneanome, Carpet Aneanome, a young Bubble Tip Aneanome and an Adult Bubble Tip Aneanome. In the last few days the aneanome have been looking abnormally full and healthy. About 2 weeks ago i had an attack of Velvet and thus treated the fish in a QT tank for about 24 hours with a copper based med. Seemed to fix them all up. These fish consisted of 2 Clarkii Clowns, 1 bi-color angel, 1 - Singapore angel, 1- coran angel, and a pair of blue damsels. They all seemed ok, and then the coran turned up dead under my long tip aneanome. I got him out, dissapointed but fully aware that it mite happen. A few days later I noticed that my Bi-Color Angel, and Singapore angel, allong with my two damsels were flat out missing, as in gone! I checked all around my tank, in my power heads, under my filtration system, lifted all rocks out. They were plain just gone! Later that night the carpet and the long tip aneanome's spit out some sizely crap to be blunt. All the stuff was just moooshy like waste shrimp. Later I find my clowns are missing. Thinking I had a mad fish in my tank, :mad: I took all rock out and skimmed the crushed coral bed for any hiders. I also agressively checked my live rock, pockets, caves in dead rock. and turned up nothing. A few days later all i have left is my Aneanome's, my chocolate Star, and my Green Brittle Star. I add 3 new Percula Clowns and a lawn mower blenny. The clowns Hosted with the long tip and thrived for about 1 week. Today i wake up to the following.
1 Carpet Aneanome ---> Looking beautifull!
1 Bubble Tip Aneanome ---> Looking very Beautifull!!
1 Long Tip Aneanome ---> Looks Larger and Beautifull!!!
1 Chocolate Chip Star ---> Munchin on front glass of tank
1 Green Brittle Star ---> Acting Serpently Climbing all over
1 Lawn Mower Blenny ---> Looking Grumpy and Still like normal
ZERO CLOWNS!!!!:eek:
I have looked all over, and checked the one hideing place in the tank they could be that i couldn't see normaly. I am not jokeing here! The Clowns are just gone! Has Anyone out their ever had an aneanome just up and eat their fish, Especially eat their fish that take care of them????:(
HELP!!!! lol
I checked the Long Tips Dropping and one of 2 droppings was a bit crunchy. Do I have the 1 Canabal Aneanome in the world or has this been seen before?


Staff member
Well, treating fish for velvet for 1 day with copper isn't likely to cure the sitution.....velvet can and will kill fish within hrs. If you truely experienced velvet, my guess would be that the fish died quickly without your picking up on it, and then the "non-fish" took over with some expensive meals.
Alternatively, the fish could have fallen rapidly to the disease, ie the clowns, and been close to which case, the anemones could have availed themselves of their hosts and swolled them up.
What were the symptoms of the fish to make you think they had velvet?


The fish were coated in white fuzz almost over night, also they were rubbing across the bottom of the tank and the sides of the tank and rock. The clowns in particular (Clarkii) were rubbing on their hosts heavily. But the most recent (3 percs) show'd no signs of velvet at all, infact they looked very healthy the night before. then poof gone :eek: :confused:
The Lawn Mower Blenny is doing fine in the tank so far.... Kinda confused as to were the 3 percs may have gone / dissapeared to. So now the tank sits at this stock.
1 Large Bubble Tip aneanome
1 Small Bubble Tip aneanome
1 carpet aneanome
1 Long Tenticle aneanome
1 Chocolot Chip Star
1 Green Brittle Star
1 Beefy Lawn Mower Bleny
BTW: I do Spot Feed the aneanome 1 to 2 times per week. And have ever since i got them, and or when ever they looked like they wanted a bit more food.
At this time I am simply confused about the situation. hopefully to learn more about this 50$ lunch the aneanome may have decided to partake in. after he possibly took part in a 100$+ feast a few days before hand :eek: :(


Staff member
Describe "fuzz". Could it have been brooklynella? Check out the pic in the FAQ Thread of the clown with brooklynella.