RUT ROW what is this


New Member
Ok guys and gals I need some advice.
I have a 45 gallon tank and the water is checking perfect and it has cleared up perfetly. But I have a problem that I dont know what to do about it.
Today two of my fish devloped a problem with there mouth. The fish in question----one is a Yellow Eyed Tang and the other is a Bi-colored Angel they both have got what looks to be swollen and white lips. and to beat all the angle somhow got stuck to the inlet hose of my filter system and acted like it didnt have the engery to move from it.
If anyone has any idea what is causing there mouth to do this Please let me know. I have 3 other fish and a star fish in this same tank that seem to be doing FINE.


Staff member
Hey, Joe. Welcome to our forums. :D
Can you post a pic up of the problem areas? Also, do you have corals? What are your water readings? Are these fish eating, swimming, otherwise acting normal?


New Member
I do have a live rock in this tank that is developing real nice with some intersting colors on it. (purple and green) I have no coral.
These fish in question have died in less than 12 hours after they were noticed of having the PUFFY WHITE LIPS and no engery.
I still have a few other fish in this tank (a Yellow Tang, Clown, Flame angel, and a star fish.) so if you have any idea what caused this please let me know.
I can say that the yellow tang and the two fish that died all three likes/ liked to eat stuff off of the live rock. (is this normal)
Thanks Joseph


Staff member
How long did you have the fish that died?
Yes, fish do pick on rocks, particualarly tangs who are grazers by nature and who will spend all day nosing around rocks for a morsel.


New Member
we have had the Yellow eyed tang for a few weeks now and the Angel for a lil over a month. Both were very active and showed no sign of sickness.