Rye and other photo guys..


I have a 1megapixal camera I am barrowing from a friend and am trying to take some pics of my fish. Unfortunally they either come out with one of two results, they are blurry because the camera is focused on the background instead of the fish, or it's blurry due to movement.
How do you guys over come both of these obstacles?


but what about the fish moving?
there doesn't seem to be a setting for shutter speed on this digital (not sure if there is on any digital...)


Active Member
there is on some of the more wxpensive- also it is harder to get quality pics from a 1meg digital- also about the fish- well, it helps to have a good camera- but for the most part it take many tries to get a good fish shot- keep in there


Yeah...I hope I didn't stress the fish out, but with the lights out in the room using flash it helped the movement ALOT.
The other problem of being in focused also helped with this. True, the low quality doesn't help much, but it's all I have :(
It's an HP C200...about 3 years old (top of the line back in the day)
I was thinking of purchasing a sony P9 down the road...but I'd like a manual focus on a digital and don't want to spend too much. decisions, decisions...


Active Member
i just checked that manual for that, thats a very very basic camera.. no manual settings (or atleast that the manual showed)


Active Member
if your are wanting pics of ryebreads and slothys quality- you could be the greatest photographer in the world- but if you dont have the right equipment - it is a lost cause


yeah...like I said it was a couple years old. What is a good camera which is small (similar to the P9)...and is the P9 any good for things like this?

reef fool

Active Member
Most camera people that I have talked to, told me to stay away from Sony, So I did. (Ryebread was one of them). I bought an Olympus, which I think Rye doesn't care for either, but I had an older one and now bought a new one and I am happy with it. I have also heard good things about Canon.


Active Member
I have an older professional model sony 1.1 megapixel camera that works pretty well and I have used a couple of other cameras - and by far I prefer the sony cameras. I am not sure why people seem to be down on the sony camera line but I like them and I believe they are fairly intuitive to use!
Personally I have been thinking about just getting a high quality scanner and scanning in the 35 mm prints we get.... of course a lot harder to get good fish shots but .....

reef fool

Active Member
I don't think the Sony bashing thing is not as much a quality issue, as it is a support issue. I think their support is bad as well as their service. I believe Ryebread was not too pleased with the company in general. Sorry Rye, for speaking for you. I just remember you steering me and others away from them for this reason. Correct me if I am wrong.


Active Member
My wife and I received the Sony DSC-P7 (Similar to the P9, except it has 3.2 megapixels) as a Christmas gift out of the blue from my in-laws. This is not necessarily the camera I would have chosen if I was in the market for one, but it was a gift, and I won't complain one bit. It has taken decent pics of my tank, but I imagine I would be able to take better pics with more manual control (one thing this digicam definately lacks). If you are in the market for a digicam mainly for taking pics of your tank, I would look for one with a good macro mode and also plenty of manual settings. I think the Canon G2 meets these criteria, and is not too expensive.


I really liked the sony because of their size, and the fact that they take smart cards. Since I have a sony laptop, I have a built in smartcard reader.
Do you like the settings on your p7 and what it is capable of taking pictures of? Hvae any example shots of your tank with it?