Rye-Question about a Canon S30


New Member
I recently purchased a Canon S30. I am having trouble taking close up shots with this camera. I know the macro mode switch is the button with the symbol of a flower on it. When I switch the macro mode on I do not notice any difference in the shot. As well whenever I try to zoom in it never seems to be able to focus on any of the objects that are close. Any suggestions on how I may be able to get clearer close ups? Even out of macro mode it seems to have trouble focusing on closeups of the tank. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks. I have to say I really enjoy all the eyecandy that this new photography segment presents. It caused me to go out and buy a digital camera. Now I am concerned that I bought the wrong camera.


Active Member
Don't worry.......that is a good camera.
The macro mode is the button with the flower on it as you have found.........the only thing it does is allows you to focus a little bit closer to the subject......around four inches.
Are you zooming the camera all the way in? You may have to try zooming back out a little bit to get sharper photos.......the more you zoom.......the softer the photo usually gets.
Are you holding the camera at an angle? This will confuse the camera and slow down the focusing mechanisms in there.........try to aim at your subject from an even level. Straight on shots usually turn out best as far as sharpness goes.
If you are trying to focus on moving subjects, this will add even more difficulty to the shots and you will need to play around with more of the settings.
Let me know if you need help. Good luck.


I use a Canon S30, I could probably help you with using the Camera in the Macro .
Just email me and I can give you some hints. Can also sent some pictures I have taken if you like.
Thanks Ron


New Member
Rye - Thanks for the input. I will try to make sure to take pictures with the camera more level. That maybe one problem. I have tried putting the camera right against the glass with the zoom all the way out but it still seems to have a hard time focusing. Maybe my glass is just too dirty and the camera is focusing on the glass and not the subject behind it. One of the reasons I chose this camera is because you can buy the underwater housing that is leakproof up to 100'. I was hoping to get good enough with the camera so I could take it snorkeling in Bora Bora and get some great underwater digi's. Thanks for all your advice. Not just on this question but on the hundreds of other questions that I have had answered by lurching in the shadows of this bulletin board.
Ron - Thanks for responding. You have mail.