
blenny dude

hope you get this ryebred. i was just wondering about you multfilora. i bought one just now. i have a 1 year old tank with 70 lbs lr in a 29. it is a reef. i read abut your 29 so i decidded to put it in my 29 lolz. how did your linckia shed its arm? what happened, also how long has it been living i'm still aclimatin it, it's been about 2 hours adn 10 min.


Active Member
My Linkia Multiflora lived in my tank for just a little under a year. It has not died but, I did have to have my LFS hold it for me until my tanks are set back up.....I moved recently. I saw my Multiflora at the LFS today and it is still kicking in a larger tank.
The Linkia decided to drop an arm due to the fact of it's comfortability in my system. It felt that there was a good enough food source for it and good water quality and left an arm behind to grow a new starfish.
As far as the "fragging" of the arm went ~ I noticed the starfishes arm slowly starting to thin out at the base. After a little while it dropped the arm completely and just had four arms for a little bit. Then I finally saw the new arm generating four small nubs from it that are growing into full arms. My original Multiflora is regenerating the lost arm as well.
Keeping the Linkia Multiflora should go well for you as long as you are introducing the starfish into a mature tank.....your should be okay as it has been set up for a year now. The more live rock that you have the better. Acclimate for at least a 4-6 hour period and things should go well. Good luck.


Active Member

Originally posted by cmpowell
Kewl,Rye.You mean it actually lost an arm and out of that we have another star?Sweeeeeet.:D

That is exactly what I mean!
Here is a look at the "new" star that I aquired from it.

blenny dude

i have him in my tank now. i can tell hes happy ( if thats possible with a starfish).:)
anyways, he seemes to have extended his arms a bit, is that normal. also he moves very sclowly, i suppose he is eating but he usually will stay in one spot for a while. is that normal?

blenny dude

well its been about 6 hours and he's in the same spot. he moves pretty slow is it just because thats houw linckias move? he also extends his arms prett far out. i am guessing that he stays in one spot alot because there is food for him unlike in the fishstore where there was none. please respond anyone. thanks.

blenny dude

which one they are techinically the same. the one with the long arm and the rest small is a starfish growing the one you see on top is the starfish that it dropped its arm off to regenerate a new starfish. in general this is a linckia multiflora.