??'s about a 55 trigger tank

why do they sleep in crevices?
can he add a halfmoon trigger and/or a scimitar trigger to the tank?
whats the best food for them?(his triggers dont like the trigger formula)
can he keep wrasses?if so what species?
any other specifics about triggers that he needs to know?
what are signs of the trigger being sick?
55 gallon tank
filstar xp3
60 lbs of live rock
2 inch sand bed
bursa trigger
undulated trigger
maroon clown
chainlink moray
(first night trigger massacred firegoby)
<img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />
in a 55 theres going to be a thing abut space with the undulated he is going to want to rule the tank all ,and with get to the point that he will start to pick off the weaker fish so keep an eye on your undulated ,feed the triggers krill they love that and some grass shrimp is good too ,good luck :D


New Member
I feed my huma trigger krill,frozen brine shrimp,frozen blood worms,live brine shrimp,frozen mysis shrimp,live clams,trigger formula,and sinking shrimp pellets.And I soak the frozen food with selcon,a vitamin enhancer.

jordan 150

My bursa eats about everything he eats krill worms fish shrimp live and frozen he even tries to eat my fingers. They sleep in Crevices and lock there to top fins "Triggers" for protection they go in there so predators that stock their prey while the prey is asleep such octopus sharks etc cant get them as easily it is impossible to dislodge a locked trigger of a piece of live rock.

jordan 150

Also as clowntrigger mentioned the undulateds are very aggresive. And when he does get bigger the clown bursa and eel are all gonna be killed so keep a close eye on that there ferosious.


New Member
too many trigger fish in atank this size is just asking for trouble.but if it works please let me know. my husband is dying for a trigger tank.i have a niger and huma huma who eat anything i feed them. krill, gumm drops and freeze dried shrimp are gone in a heart beat...but then again my blennys eat it too.weird.anyhoo..good luck and keep us updated. :D <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


I,ve got a 3 ring circus going on but they all mind their own business, niger, clowntrigger, huma,bursa & a rectangle along with 2 percula clowns,1 maroon,blue damsel 3 stripe damsel, yellow tang & I just added a naso tang today in a 150 gal tank that has been set up for about 6 months. I have a lot of dead coral its a total maze in this tank its not likely to see all the fish @ the same time,yea they get frisky @ feeding time on occasion but like I said they keep to themselves.I have read other threads & Im braced for the outcome of this monster I have created. :notsure: