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I need Help my Please,
i need to know how to fix leak fish tank, i just notice it yesterday water coming out from the bottom left side?
Any Ideas Please....
my fish will tank you alot...


Originally Posted by jaypime
how ? do i need to empy the tank ?
Of course you do!!!!! You will need to totally remove everything....I have never done this, but there are threads on it.....look up sealing tank in the search.
What size tank are you talking about?


It also depends why it's leaking. If it's a leak around the edge seals, you can fix it. If it's a crack, you can't. Even if you patch it up, it'll just be temporary.


Active Member
What size tank, inhabitants, etc?
If this is a smaller tank, less than 100g, I would just buy a new tank personally.
If it is a larger tank, even then, you need to seriously think about what has happened. If it is a bottom seal that is gone...ouch.
I would get some large tupperware containers - the 15-18g one's at least, and move the inhabitants in there with filtration etc. Even once you repair the silicon, you can't immediately refill it.


Active Member
I'd hurry with this project too; depending on the source, a small leak can turn into a much bigger one in a hurry.