

New Member
I have major PROBLEMS ! First of all im new on SWF and new to keeping salt water fish. Anyhow this is the problem. I have an established 60g SWFO tank that has a Antannata Lion, Picasso Trigger, Fox Face, Yellow Tang, Blue Tang, Pec Clown, Lunar Wrasse and a Six Bared Angel. :eek: I know that is a high amount of fish for such a small tank so i am going to move to a larger tank. Anyhow the fish seem to ALL BE ITCHY. I have not seen any white spots exept on the blue tang, however the blue tang only had the spots during the night a couple of days ago....and they went away. The Six Bared Angel, Yellow tang and Blue Tang are also loosing color. :mad: I do not have a QT tank but before they move to the new tank I will set one up (what size QT tank do you recomend for these fish????) Due to this over population the fish seemed to stop swimming as often as before and also the nitrate went up. I was curious to know how can i prevent the nitrate from getting high (33) :confused:
I also have a 10G SWFO tank that had 9 Damsels and I Per Clown but the Clown and three Damsels died. All these fish seemed to bee eating fine and swimming but still died.....could this be because the fish got stressed because they were over crowded????


You need to do some major changes.....WAY OVER STOCKED!!! You need to have the tangs in several different tanks of the size you have or maybe a 200 plus might be able to support all the fish you have in the current 60!! The lion and trigger might get along as long as there is nothing else in the tank....I suggest you either trade most of your fish cept the lion...and trigger...invest in some good reading material...and learn before buying any more fish...or tanks for that matter....Just my 02....


New Member
the tank was stocked like that when i bought it....I do plan on getting a new tank for these fish though. I also have another question ????? What would be an ideal setup for these fish in lets say a 125g tank? (FO no LR)


Staff member
Yes, if all these fish are in a strictly Fish Only tank, meaning no live rock, inverts, etc., then you can effectively treat all the fish in tank with no damage to the tank.


New Member
Ive been on this sight for two days trying to find answers to my problems and seen to have over whelmed myself. NOt to say that it is a bad thing or anything but everybody has there own oppinion on here and I seen to have lost myself . From reading these forms I now think my fish have every desease possible !!!!:eek:
Again I am really lost at this time and would really appriciate it if you could explain to me hyposalinity:confused:


New Member
what F.A.Q.'s ?????? the only F.A.Q. i see is the one that answers questions on how to use the board not for aquerium purposes