sad day


well still new to this hobby been in it since last september. i lost my favorite fish my hawian naso tang,that a lot of you helped me identify.
don't know why seemed like he had trouble eating he would go after all the food in the tank
try to eat it but couldn't it would come right back out but he kept going after it trying to eat it,but it seemed he could not swallow.water test fine. any idea what may have caused his death? was it my mistake any help so this won't happing again. thanks all


Tangs in general are hard to keep. They stress really easy. I have tried 3 tangs and have not been able to keep any alive. I've decided that is one fish that will not be in my tank for a long time to come. It sounds as though he may not have liked what you where feeding him. Whenever I get a new fish and they do this I try feeding something else. Did you try nori or seaweed selects?


i tried seaweed too he would suck it in then spit it out . i wounder if my lunar wrasse had anything to do with it ? all thow they seemed to get along great. could he possibly gotting a piece of cc stuck in his mouth that prevented him from eating?
So sorry to hear of your loss. It does sound like he had some obstruction that prevented him from swallowing.
Tangs are such pretty fish, I can't imagine my aquarium without one.


Active Member
I've seen all of my fish do this at one time or another. My lionfish does it when it tries to eat any of my tang's food, as it is mainly vegetable matter, and as he's carnivorous, does not like it. I used to have a Niger Trigger, also carnivorous, and it would spit out any of the vegetable matter that I fed my tangs. None of these fish died, and would eat the foods they enjoyed normally. It seems that your tang did not like the food it was getting. Try a variety of foods until you find two or three that your fish seem to like, and then alternate those foods so that the fish receives a proper nutrition, and you will also know that it is eating, because you already know it likes the foods. HTH