Sad day!!!!!


Well lost my Blue Tang. She was in a 175 with sailfin for about 2 months now. Doing great added a DF puffer 2 weeks ago and still great. Monday evening I got a Wolf eel He is about 12 to 14 inches but was in a 40 gal with the sailfin for a year before I brought her home. The blue tang ate good Tuesday but was a little stressed from the eel. He picked her spot to hang out last night she passed away. I got her out this morning. Sucks. everyone elese is fine and levels are great. guess she just stressed out???? Anyway i am done with Tangs The Sailfin is enough and she is very healthy. Are there any Angels that are hardy/aggressive enough to live with the above fish?


hm... I wish I could help you out. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't wolf eels aggressive towards tangs? I've always wanted a wolf eel, but never got one because I had heard this somewhere.


Active Member
sorry to hear. where your lights off when you were done acclimating and added the fish in the tank? you may be adding too many fish in at once. what are you water parameters?


yes the lights where off for 12 hours after adding the eel and parmeters are 0 acroos with 8.1 8.2 ph and 1023 sg i have corals and inverts living in there. the tangs have been in for 2 months and the df about 2 weeks thought with such a big tank that would be enough time. The SF and eel are sparing a little but the SF is a lot meaner than the hippo was. I have never read that a wolf eel and tangs did not get along but if anyone knows this to be the case please chime in. I know the SF and the eel was together for a year in a 40 at the LFS. I assumed it would be fine. bad assumption I guess. i really like the hippo but if an eel does this what shes going to do with a lion and the other aggressive fish I may add in the future.