Sad Day...


Active Member
My cleaner shrimp that I've had for over a year died today. He was pretty big when I got him so I'm thinking we was old. Just wanted to share.


That sucks, I love my cleaner, he's one of the few things that I've given a name......
Jean Claude, cause when I first got him, he was all over my coral beauty like a french was funny, so it stuck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovecraft
That sucks, I love my cleaner, he's one of the few things that I've given a name......
Jean Claude, cause when I first got him, he was all over my coral beauty like a french was funny, so it stuck.

Thats funny. My cleaner is the only thing that I've named in my tank. Frenchy.


Active Member
Sorry for your loss. The little guys do pull on your heart...claws and all. Especially when they scuttle out the minute they feel the vibrations of you footsteps...always on the look out for handouts.


Originally Posted by rs1831
Thats funny. My cleaner is the only thing that I've named in my tank. Frenchy.
Well at least I'm not the only one who thought they act French LOL....