sad finger coral


New Member
my finger coral was so beautiful , all of a suden it closes up ,its been about a month it hasn"t come out, my water checks out good ,lighting is good with new bulbs, everythings the same as it was when it was beautiful,theres nothing messing with!


SO, you are saying it has not opened in a month? As Gemmy you have good flow on it? Leathers shed, and need good flow to help them
How old is the tank? WHat are your water parameters? What lighting do you have?


New Member
my water parameters are fine ,my tank is 3 years old ,8-36 in t5s and 2 -72 in vho, and the bulbs are new, water flow is good and like i said nothing has changed its 180 gal with 5 lg power heads going


WELL...I recently had an issue, and all parameters were fine.....I also have A LOT of ph's and a very established tank
It seems that my leathers all wanted to "shed" at the same time and caused an issue with the all leathers, and some other corals
I placed some carbon in my fuge, and did a couple of extra w/c's, and now all is well
Do you run any carbon? Do you have any other leathers or corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/382413/sad-finger-coral#post_3337401
WELL...I recently had an issue, and all parameters were fine.....I also have A LOT of ph's and a very established tank
It seems that my leathers all wanted to "shed" at the same time and caused an issue with the all leathers, and some other corals
I placed some carbon in my fuge, and did a couple of extra w/c's, and now all is well
Do you run any carbon? Do you have any other leathers or corals?
Meowzer is on to something (I think). My 2 leathers both did the same thing last week, since they were shedding.


New Member
i keep a PhosPure pad filter inside the fuge it has carbon in it, come to think about it my cabbage coral has been shedding also


Originally Posted by bboggs http:///forum/thread/382413/sad-finger-coral#post_3337428
i keep a PhosPure pad filter inside the fuge it has carbon in it, come to think about it my cabbage coral has been shedding also
I have a phospure pad wasn't enough.....I added a small bag of carbon right under the flow in the fuge.....a few days later stuff was looking much better