
New Member
MY PUFFER ISNT LOOKING TO GOOD I HAVE TO PICS HERE .....I CHECKED THE WATER EVERYTHING IS GOOD . now that im looking at him is eyes are getting cloudy and he is getting black
lastweeks pics

today's pics



do u have any other fish in there?? what kind?? because it could be brought on by stress or somtimes fish get blotchy when they are stressed


Staff member
Is this a new fish? If so, it may be a preclude to ich....two cloudy eyes that are not puffed, usally signals the onset of ich in additions to the tank.


Active Member
-Is this a new fish? If so, how did you acclimate him?
-Is any of the other fish picking on him? Undulated triggers should not really be kept with any other fish.
-Can you post the water levels? (nitrates, pH, kH, salinity, and temp)?
-Do you have live rock in the tank? Any inverts?


New Member
To tell u the truth i must have gottin a punk udalated trigger. Thw only time he comes out is to eat. He never bother the other fish the panther grouper runs him back in the rocks.
Yes i have live rocks i have a two mexican snails and a turbo snail. I check the water everything is fine. I had him for two weeks now. temp is about 77


Active Member
Alright, but if you can't post water levels for me, it is hard for me to tell you a plan of action to take. I need to know what your pH, kH, salinity, nitrates, and temp are so that we can figure out how to treat the fish the right way.