Sad, SAD Day

Fshhub-Bummer about the tanks. I really hope all is not lost. If there is a way to save it, I know you'll find it! Sorry you're in the dog house with your wife...especially at Christmas! I guess significant others sometimes don't understand how involved we get with our critters. Mine doesn't.
The only thing I can offer to you is what I did when the power went out last winter before I had bought a generator. I wrapped newspaper all around the tank because I was told it helps retain heat. Then I really wrapped the heck out of it with bubble wrap. Again the theory was to trap and hold any heat that may still be in the tank. When the tempurature dropped a bit more I used the battery operated water heater I have for the horses and warmed up some distilled water and slowly added it in. I used a plate just like you did to occasionally still the water. I also covered the top and sides with every heavy comforter in the house.
I really wish you the best of luck. Don't give up! We're all rooting for you!
By the way, that same storm rolled through here. I was at work and calling home CONSTANTLY all night long to make sure the power hadn't gone out. Thankfully it didn't!


fshhub - I would like to share with you an excellent article but I don't believe it would stay on this board. Therefore it you would email me I will send you the link about disasters in aquariums and equpment, thoughts, and ideas to buy you time until power is returned.


Active Member
well, about noon, the power came back on tooday
and as you may have all guessed, it was a tragedy, unfortunately.
Currently, we have an orange linkia, snails and some hrmtis and the corals are all trying to make a comeback. At the present time, I am not hoping for anything. just thinking, BOY WOULD IT BE NICE, IF... and theses guys a re all trying to pull through. All the fish had died, but the inverts ALMOST ALL of them, are trying like He*< to pull out of it.The star is making some serious tracks around the tank and does not yet appear to be melting down, so maybe?
the shrimps are becoming more active, the scallop is occssionally trying to move, adn the corals are not looking good, but as the hous go by and the temp rises tehy appear to be filling out more. Most of the snails are out and about and some are eating again. I got all the fish except for 2 which are MIA, out of the tank. Hopefully the others will make it. Unfortunately my pride, a 6 inche yellow tang, was the first to go.I did find alot of dead pods as well, and hop that they are not all dead. Hopefully the LR and its inhabitants will survive. And after talking witht he insurance Company they are asking for an estimate and tthe ONE lfs that I do visit is going to help me with an estimate. NOt much conselation, but something, esp since those 2.5 days of no busines is costing us 5 digits or better. And I was told that Any moneys collected for the tanks wil go to me for the tanks. WOOHOO. my boss has also informed me that we are getting a generator for an in case tool. She, like me, is not nearly as worried about the loss of money, but HER tanks. She loves them nearly as much and they are her therapeutic escape(very stressed businesses woman)
STILL hoping for some sign of good, but right now, I am considering it all jsut a fighting stage(for now). Where they are all just figthting to hang on.
sorry to hear about the fish, I'am very suprised that some are still alive and trying to make it, hope they do, but glad to hear that wont happen again, and good luck with the rest of the inverts


Active Member
ps, TANKS for being sympathetic,and I did not mean to sound harsh, but those comments after the 2 days I had were a bit irritating.
I jsut wanted to say something, b/c it had been a long haul at the point I had originally started the thread.
And i hope that anyone who reads this takes heed to at least find some type of of back up plan, b/c it can and does happen to anybody. In fact, I used to think that a b-ups would be adequate for most cases, but here is one where it was not. And it did happen to me.


Active Member
You did all you could and thats what really matters. Saving what you did I feel is a great accomplishment.


Active Member
Sorry to hear of the losses.
I have not been "logged in" in some time now. Been real buy.
I wish you would have given me a mail. I am not that far away and may could have helped out in some way?
If there is anything I can still do? give me a buzz.


Active Member

Originally posted by dad
Sorry to hear of the losses.
I have not been "logged in" in some time now. Been real buy.
I wish you would have given me a mail. I am not that far away and may could have helped out in some way?
If there is anything I can still do? give me a buzz.

Titan Trigger
Registered: Jan 2001
Location: oklahoma
Posts: 690
oklahoma? do you realiziie that I am in Pa?or did you move?
I had considered moving some fish, but had decided not to, b/c of stressing things more, had it been for a more permanant move or I could have trusted his tanks ot be more suitable, my one LFS did offer to help, but his tanks were not yet cycled and were almost brand new( the SW tanks, he is just getting into SW, thanks to me). I was acttually considering his offer, but by the time he had offered, also it was only a matter of a couple more hours.
thanks for the offer tho, it is appreciated, greatly


Active Member
well, the verdict is in
unfortunately the losses were pretty high
all the corals had died, except for one mushroom
all the fish are gone as well
BUT , to my sruprise, the orange linkia and flame scallop, along with 1/2 the snails and most of the hermits have survived. I also found alot of dead pods, but i stil see some, so I wil give it time and let them repoplulate a little, before restocking and hopefully they will make a come back as well(I am sure they will).
Today, I get the pleasure of figuring up all the damage for our insurance company, and shopping for agenerator, JUST big enough to hadle the tnaks:) I gues, that waas enough to get their attention. So now thhey have autorized the purchase of one, but only big enough for the tanks, NOT to keep the business going.


Active Member
fshub, I missed this post til now. SO sorry for the losses. I'm sure you did everything possible. Knowing how you feel, I kind of feel wierd saying this, but New Year, New Opportunities to rebuild those tanks and insurance will be paying! I'm using this as my personal mantra right now since my house flooded over the holidays and my tank which is just now stable and full after a year will have to be taken down, moved, then back again. ..... So repeat after me New Year, New Opportunities....if we say if often enough it will work, I just know it will!