Sad, sad day


Woke up this morning to find my leaopard missing out of my tank. Did a thourough search around the tank and immediate vicinity, but to no avail. Was wondering if it is at all possible for a lionfish, medium size, to have eaten the shark, who was about 8-9 inches.
Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


I seriously doubt your lion ate your shark. He's probably dead somewhere. Sorry man. :(


Thanks Grouperhead,
That's what I did, and I finally found him under a sofa...Is this normal for them... I had one before but it never did that, one of my larger nurse sharks did, but never the leaopord. Anyways if anyone knows where I might be able to find another one please give me an e-mail.


Damn, that sucks!!:(
I've heard so many stories like this that I instantly put covers over the back of my tank so it can jump out. I'm sure it's under something somewhere close. I know where you can get another for $200+tax&ship.

tony detroit

Active Member
The best bet now is to get the lion fish out of a tank you plan on housing active sharks in. A lion will kill your shark if it swims into it on accident, and it has happened.


So tony, that's what you think may have happened...he swam into the lion and was poisoned, thereby causing him to jump out of the tank.?

tony detroit

Active Member
I don't know if it caused him to jump or not, my guess is that he was pissed he's being kept in a dinky a$$ tank.
Whether the lion stung him or didn't it is still very likely that it will happen especially in a small tank like yours.
That's why when you see them in tubs at LFS/Zoos/Aquariums the water level is two + feet below the top edge of the container.


Pimp, I wouldn't listen to this Tony guy. He's just out here to start a flame war. He talked the same ish in another thread. He's the type of person to get things started like in the movie
"28 Days Later"..


Sorry to hear about your loss. A few years ago, I had a leopard jump out. Fortunately, I actually saw it happen. It got spooked when another shark came up behind it...
What kind of environmental work do you do? I'm in the field too.


Thanks Moray for your concern, and yeah Salt I don't worry about people like Tony, b/c he doesn't know *$&#