I have to downsize my tank... It sucks very much. After everything started taking off and breeding. I'm goin from an 80 tall... to a 46 bow. So i have to get rid of some corals too. So how much do u think some things are worth?? Both my colts are 10"-12" tall...
*sniff sniff*
No place will allow you to bring a fishtank? 80g shouldn't be a huge issue for stress on the floors of apartment building...no cats or dogs I've heard of. No fish tank...hmm...
k, i got a new 46g bow front, right? k...guess how much i got it for????
Brand new,
Oak Trim,
Oak stand includ.,
Glass top includ.,
and ...
Twin tube flour. strip light includ.,.....
I paid a wallet squeezing total of.....$200.00!!!