Saddle Valentini Puffer


How are these fish to keep ? I Currently have a 20Long with about 20lbs of LR and about 40lbs of LS.
I currently have 2 small 3 stripe damsel's which I would be either give away to another entusiast or to the LFS.
My salenity is at 1.022, all other level's are fine. My tank has been running for the past 4 month's. I also have a few snail's and crab's.
Will this fish be ok ? will i be able to add any other fish ?


Active Member
Well, I really don't think your tank is big enough for one, especially with any other fish, They are pretty messy eaters and with a 20gal you don't have a lot of room for excess waste.


Active Member
Valentini's are great fish. Very personable and hardy. Most are kept in aggressive tanks as they tend to relish inverts. Espcially hermits and snails. They will also pick off any tube worms that try to grow. Some literature has them to 5", others to 3".
If it were me I'd keep them in a more aggressive environment as they would limit what you can keep in your tank if you seek a community or reef environment.
Good Luck!


Active Member
If that's the only fish and no inverts then I think you would enjoy the valentini. May need a bigger tank down the road though. But 'way' down the road. I got mine at 1.5" in April 2001. He's probably 2" - 2.5" now.
Good Luck!