Saddleback Butterfly in a Nano


I was wondering if you could keep Saddleback Butterfly in a 12 gallon nano and if they eat anything besides clam how big they get and if it is reef safe also if they are good for beginners and other usefull imformation like agression eating habbits . I will be upgrading to 50+ gallon in Christmass or March (March of next year) in case it is to big for the tank . I just wrote a run on. All imformation will be greatly appreciated.Thanks

yeffre kix

I did pull this description from the web....
This gorgeous, large species varies in its adaptability to aquarium life. Some individuals readily acclimate, while others have difficulty. Medium sized specimens tend to acclimate better than tiny individuals or large adults. It grows to a large size in the wild, and should be kept in a big tank with plenty of swimming room. It may quarrel with other Chaetodontids, but usually ignores other fish species. Provide it with a varied diet. It can be employed to clean live rock of glass anemones; however, it will also feed on some of the more desirable invertebrates living on the rock, like fan worms.


Okay thanks but how big does it get when it is an adult and how big a tank will it need when it is an adult incase I eventually get a 75 to 100 gallon FOWLR. Thanks


Active Member
no BF should EVER be in a 12g tank. if and when you upgrade, and that tank is 6 months mature, and your water params are impeccable, then you can try to add one. but if you plan on keeping any sort of feather dusters / coco worms or Corals, i would suggest against it.