Safe ammonia level during cycling?


New Member
I am currently cycling a 55GA tank.I put 2 damsels in it 3 days ago.
I tested ammonia today and it has started to rise (0.01).
Even though i expect it to go a lot higher, at which reading should i make a water change?
I don't want the damsels to die if i can prevent it.
Thanks in advance

mr . salty

Active Member
DO NOT CHANGE THE WATER...The ammonia will rise and peak.But if you remove this ammonia it will prevent the formation of the bacteria needed to convert this ammo into nitrites. Then the same with the nitrites to nitrates.This is what the cycle is for,the formation of nesisary bacteria to convert ammo to nitrites to nitrates.Disrupting this cycle in any way will only prolong,or stall, this cycle.


Staff member
Keep a close eye on the damsels and your water reading. If you don't want them to die, then do the water change at the first sign of fish stress. Rapid breathing, darting about the tank unnaturally, not eating.
If you are worried about sacrificing fish to the cycle, then don't use fish to cycle. If you have LR, the LR alone will cycle the tank. If you have FO, you can throw in some fresh seafood [like shrimp] to do the cycle.
[ April 22, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]


New Member
Thanks Mr Salty & Elizabeth.
I won't change any water and will use shrimps to start 2 more tanks.
Tks again


Just to make sure you understand what Beth had suggested. Don't use live shrimp! She is talking about getting shrimp from the store to cycle the tank. Live shrimp will die quickly in a new tank-low calcium levels and any ammonia. Just wanted to clarify. --Bob

cactus jack

just leave it be and let it cycle. it will spike and when it reaches ZERO and your nitrites are ZERO you are ready to go. but only at ZERO. the fish may live but it is not a good idea. patience


Don't change your water during the cycling period. Let things happen naturally...I used two damsels and LR and let it go. If you change the water, you will screw up the process and never get to "0"